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Musculoskeletal & Biomechanical
Adaptations to Training
HPER 6310
Dr. Suzan Ayers
Western Michigan University
Lecture Overview
Effects of Physical Activity on:
 bone
 joints and ROM
 muscle-tendon units
 body size, shape & composition
Biomechanical Adaptations to Training:
 muscular
 neuromuscular
Biomechanical Adaptations to Injury
Physical Activity & Bone
Disuse results in osteopenia (bone loss)
Genetically determined baseline mass for normal
function (certain level of PA to ↔ bone health)
↓ PA=bone loss, ↑ PA=bone growth (see below)
Weight-bearing PA= bone growth
Too much intense PA problematic; optimal levels
exist for each individual
Physical Activity & Joints/ROM
Short-term effects of cyclical exercise (bike, run)
Articular cartilage thickens (improved force dissipation)
2-3x ↑ in volume of synovial fluid in a joint (lubricant)
Evidence supports endurance exercise’s benefits
over sprint training on ligament strength
Degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis)
Thinning articular cartilage
Thickening compact bone under articular cartilage
Possible genetic, aging & environmental factors impact DJD dev’t
Regular runners do NOT have > incidence of osteoarthritis
Physical Activity & Muscle-Tendon Units
Flexibility: The ability to move a joint through its
complete range of motion (ROM) (ACSM, 2000)
Laxity: The degree of abnormal motion of a given
joint (Heyward, 2002)
depends on muscle-tendon units crossing joints
is joint-specific
↑ flexibility related to ↑ extensibility of connective tissue
strength and flexibility training can promote ↑ ROM
↑ injury risk
Hypermobility: Excess ROM at a joint (Heyward,
Slow, sustained stretch held for 10-30 sec
Preferred in Physical Education settings
PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)
Partner provides force of stretch
Combo active/passive techniques
NOT for children 6-10 yrs
Quick movements, bouncing, using momentum
Reserve for those 15+ yrs
Helpful to prepare athletes for competition
Static stretches should be held to the point of
mild discomfort
“No pain, no gain” is INAPPROPRIATE!
Training principles
Frequency: Daily (min 3x/wk)
Intensity: To point of mild discomfort
Time: 10-30 sec
Type: Static, PNF, partner, etc.
Strength changes
Weeks 6-8 primarily neuromuscular
Weeks 9+ gains due to ↑ fiber size/volume
Long-term benefits
Tendon Adaptations
Much slower rate of adaptation than muscle
Collagen synthesis ↑
Fiber changes resulting in improved fatigue-resistance
↑ relative amount of connective tissue
Fibers align more regularly longitudinally
Muscle strains often occur @ junction of tendon
and muscle
Physical Activity’s Effect on Body Size,
Shape & Composition
relaxed, sociable, tolerant, comfort-loving, peaceful, plump,
buxom, developed visceral structure
active, assertive, vigorous, combative, muscular
quiet, fragile, restrained, non-assertive, sensitive, lean,
delicate, poor muscles
Dr. William Sheldon’s “somatotypes”
Somatotype challenge
In the 1940s, Dr. William Sheldon (1898-1977)
proposed a theory about how certain body types
("somatotypes") are associated with certain
personality characteristics. He claimed that there are
three such somatotypes: endomorphy, mesomorphy,
and ectomorphy. You can rate yourself on each of
these three dimensions using a scale from 1 (low) to
7 (high) with a mean of 4 (average). Therefore, a
person who is a pure mesomorph would have a score
of 1-7-1. A pure endomorph would be 7-1-1. A pure
ectomorph would score a 1-1-7. A mostly average
person who has some endomorphic tendencies
would have a score of 6-4-4 ... etc. Rate the degree
to which you think you possess each of the three
body types.
Endomorphic Body Type
soft body
underdeveloped muscles
round shaped
over-developed digestive system
Associated personality traits:
 love of food
 tolerant
 evenness of emotions
 love of comfort
 sociable
 good humored
 relaxed
 need for affection
Mesomorphic Body Type
hard, muscular body
overly mature appearance
rectangular shaped
thick skin
upright posture
Associated personality traits:
 adventurous
 desire for power and dominance
 courageous
 indifference to what others think or want
 assertive, bold
 zest for physical activity
 competitive
 love of risk and chance
Ectomorphic Body Type
flat chest
delicate build
young appearance
lightly muscled
large brain
Associated personality traits:
 self-conscious
 preference for privacy
 introverted
 inhibited
 socially anxious
 artistic
 mentally intense
Lifestyle Factors
↑ PA while ↓ caloric intake=fat loss
Training can make physiological changes at any age
(it’s never too old to teach an old dog new tricks
Height is genetically predetermined
Weight can be altered to a given genetic point
Somatotype can change as strength and endurance
requirements change
Biomechanical Training Adaptations
Training influences both contractile properties of
muscle (strength, speed) and neural control (coord.)
Strength changes due to
↑ net neural drive to muscle (motor unit recruitment)
↑ muscle size
both neural and structural changes
Contraction speed changes due to
Δ in shape of muscle’s force-velocity curve
Δ in value of the intrinsic max shortening velocity
both shape and max shortening velocity changes
Muscular Training Adaptations
Max force produced depends on length of muscle
during contraction
Initial strength gains (wk 2-8) primarily neural
10+ wk gains primarily hypertrophic
Isokinetic training can change force-velocity curve
Contraction speed changes also influence forcevelocity curve shape, ergo power
(strength x speed = power)
Neuromuscular Training Adaptations
Incidence of serious knee injury 6x F>M athletes
Intrinsic risk factors for ACL injury
Lower extremity malalignment
↓ intercondylar notch width at the knee
↑ knee joint laxity
Hormonal influences (Relaxin)
Extrinsic risk factors for ACL injury
Imbalanced quad/ham strength
Inadequate neuromuscular control
GOAL: improve stability (balance, coordination),
proprioception, & strength
ACL injury-prevention neuromuscular programs
Knee stability/function improve with ↑ in postural
equilibrium, intermuscular control & leg muscle strength
Means of ↑ aforementioned factors:
Plyometric exercises (AKA, jump training)
Weight lifting
Evidence supporting neuromuscular training’s role in ↓
incidence of sport-related knee injuries
Ham:Quad strength ratio key to ACL injury prevention
Neuromuscular training can ↑ knee joint stability
↑ H:Q
Fine-tune neural control over hamstrings