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Notes 4.3
Integers and the
Number Line
The numbers …, –3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …
are integers. Integers are divided into
three categories: negative integers,
zero, and positive integers. On a number
line the negative numbers are to the left
of zero and the positive integers are to
the right of zero. The symbol “-” used to
represent negative numbers is a negative
sign. You read “-7” as “negative seven.”
The symbol “+”, or no symbol is used to
represent positive integers. You read
“+8” as “positive 8” or “eight”, just like
you read “8” as “eight.”
In set notation, integers are shown as
Z={…, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …}; This is read as
“Z equals the set whose elements are …
URL of the day
homework answers
mpa: The numbers are increasing by
increments of four.
mpa: The numbers are increasing by
increments of two.
mpa: The numbers are alternating
negative and positive incarnations of
decreasing absolute values.
mpa: The numbers are increasing by
increments which are also increasing by
10) <
11) >
12) >
13) <
14) false
15) false
16) true
17) -12
18) +5
19) -45
20) -9
21) -9, -8, -3, 0, 3
22) -2.5, -5/4, -1/2, 2, 5.5
23) -7, -5, -4.25, -7/2, -1¾
24) -6.8, -2.3, -2 1/5, 3/8
25) Sole
26) 1800; 3300; 6000; 15,500;
27) B
28) A
29) D
30) -18, +20, -15, +30, -3, +8, -18,
-15, -3, +8, +20, +30; profit