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“Getting employees to share their
knowledge isn’t as simple as
installing new software; Just was
Buckman Labs.
Information, Information
Information in today’s markets is one of the
most important commodities a company can
 Information and communication is abundant
 Comes in various forms but one of the
biggest and best source is Internet, which
provides cheapest and communication with
people all over the world
Manistique Papers Inc.
Paper recycling facility with problem
 The peroxide they used to remove ink from
old magazines wasn’t working & they don’t
 They turned to chemical supplier company
for an answer
Buckman Laboratories Inc.
Buckman’s “knowledge sharing” system is its 54
online discussion group
 Employees are expected to read the posting
regularly and respond to questions whenever they
can help
 Buckman wanted to share not just written reports,
but also the “tacit” knowledge inside employees’
 He even order Mr. Wallace Puckett (research
director) to fire three employees who used the
system least, Mr. Puckett instead set up rewarded
information sharer, by promoting people
Buckman Laboratories Inc
They posted Manistique Paper Inc the problem
online bulletin board where questions could be
 Within two days salespeople from Belgium and
Finland identified the problem
 According to them a bacteria in the paper slurry
producing an exzyme that was breaking down the
 A chemical was recommended to control the
bacteria, the problem was solved
Key take away point
The mentality that we don’t need help or advise
has to be overcome
 Some worry that misleading information may be a
problem, but with the help of many participants
misleading information can be weeded out
 Knowledge sharing a lot like what we are doing
here today
 We each gather knowledge from a database and ,
in this case through our individual, pair, &
organizational analysis presentations information
desire to pass it on