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Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporáneas
ISSN: 1405-2210
[email protected]
Universidad de Colima
González Varela, Sergio Armando
Antropología y el estudio de las ontologías a principios del siglo XXI: sus problemáticas y
desafíos para el análisis de la cultura
Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporáneas, vol. XXI, núm. 42, noviembre, 2015, pp. 39-64
Universidad de Colima
Colima, México
Available in:
This article analyses the so-called “ontological turn” in anthropology, its limits and contributions as well as its criticisms and
challenges to study cultural alterity. The text describes the historical and philosophical foundations of the studies of “ontologies”,
through the main representatives of this movement in British, Brazilian and French anthropologies; it also describes the recent
impact of ontological studies in the new millennium in the United States and Latin America. Although it is by no means a unified
theoretical movement, the variety of authors related to the studies of ontology is very broad. There - fore, the article focuses on the
contributions of the anthropologists Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Philippe Descola, Martin Holbraad, and in authors who have been
in some way influenced by them. Finally, the text addresses criti - cally the limits of the concept of radical alterity in ontological
studies, the problem of practice, and the notions of cultural closeness and distance as basic principles of this type of anthropology.
Ontology, Culture, Alterity, Practice, Nature, Anthropology
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