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Specialised cells
What different types of cell are there?
list as many types of cell as you can.
What different types of cell are there?
Learning Outcomes
 list a variety of proteins, outlining their appearance and function
 describe how body cells in an organism contain the same genes
 recall that many genes in a particular cell are switched off
 outline the one gene  one protein theory
What different types of cell are there?
Key word call my bluff.
• Specialised cell
What different types of cell are there?
Key word call my bluff.
• Specialised cell – a cell that has differentiated
to have features that allow it to do a particular
• Specialised cell – the most important cell in
your body.
• Specialised cell – a type of cell that makes cells
What different types of cell are there?
Why are the players in a
rugby union team different
shapes and sizes?
Think Pair Share – Is this a good model for
specialised cells? Why?
What different types of cell are there?
Check point
• I can say what a specialised cell is.
Success criteria
State what a specialised cell is.
What different types of cell are there?
• Complete the card sort to help you match the
picture of the specialised cell, with all the
information about it.
• Use the text book and the posters round the
room for help.
Success criteria
Recognise some specialised cells from
plants and animals.
What different types of cell are there?
Check point
• Which of these is not a human specialised
1) Fat cell
2) Root
hair cell
3) Brain
4) Egg cell
What different types of cell are there?
Think – Pair - Share
If all our cells are genetically identical why do we
have so many different types of cell?
Think – Pair – share
How many proteins are found in this cell?
Stem Cell
Switching genes on and off
Stem Cell
Muscle Cell
Skin Cell
Brain Cell
each cell
Stem cells and differentiation.
Cells that make up embryos are called stem
cells. These are unspecialised but can turn into
any type of cell if they get the correct message.
A muscle cell is the same as a heart cell but
different genes have been turned on/off making
it do different things.
If you remove all the water from a human body,
90% of what remains is protein.
What types of protein are there?
Read the information, highlight the key words
and use it to complete the questions.
6 mark Q
Humans all develop from 1 cell. Explain in detail, how it is
possible for a human to end up with so many types of cell.
Task: answer this question and write a marking scheme to go
with it.
(1 mark will be for SPAG)
Make a revision card for
specialised cells.
Competition time - plenary
• Specialised cell Bingo
Draw a box like this …
Into each box write 1 of the following words.
White blood cell Brain cell
Nerve cell
Red blood cell Fat cell
Sperm Cell
Egg cell
Ciliated Cell
Cone cell
Fat cell
Root hair cell Palisade cell
Listen out for the job of each cell you have chosen to tick it off in