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Introduction to Broadcast Media
Introduction to Broadcast Media
• Identify what an advertising campaign is
• Explain the roles of an advertising agency
• Explain the basic parts of a commercial and
the steps to create one
• Discuss audio/video commands used to
creating your script/storyboard
The Advertising Agency
An advertising campaign involves the
creation and coordination of a series of
advertisements around a particular theme to
promote a product. Advertising agencies
work with businesses to develop advertising
Depending on the scope and size of the
advertising campaign, agencies can serve in
a full-service or limited-service capacity.
The Advertising Agency
Full-service agencies perform advertising
research, media selection, copy development,
and artwork for an advertising campaign.
Limited-service agencies specialize in one
aspect of the campaign, such as creative
In-house agencies provide full or limited
advertising services based upon the size of
the company.
Agency Organization
Advertising agencies are usually organized
into four service departments:
Agency Organization
Client service departments
work with agency groups and
individual businesses to
identify opportunities for
advertising. Account
executives identify client
needs, create advertising
plans, and coordinate
advertising with other
promotion activities.
Agency Organization
Creative service
departments develop the
advertising messages
and produce the ads.
Graphic artists,copywriters,
commercial designers and
art directors work together
to create advertisements.
Agency Organization
Research service
departments conducts the
research of the target
markets, the attitudes of
potential customers, and
their buying behaviors. This
department helps determine
the type of message that will
have the greatest appeal for a
particular market segment.
Agency Organization
Media service departments advise
clients on their media choices.
This department suggests an
advertising budget for television,
radio, newspapers, magazines, and
other forms of advertising, such as billboards
and direct mail. This department also
coordinates the timing, placement, and
frequency of various advertisements.
Agency Organization
Move to the table that represents the
department of an ad agency that you
would prefer to work in.
Table group discussion:
What job would you be interested in?
What skills do you think you would
need to develop for this type of work?
Broadcast Media
Broadcast media encompass
radio and television. Television
is second only to newspapers in
advertising popularity. It is the
ultimate advertising medium
because it can combine sight,
sound, action, and color to
product a compelling
Basic Parts of a Commercial
Story Board
• Playlets or Dramatization A story is used
to create a problem that the product or service
can fix.
• Demonstration: How to use the product
• Testimonial: Someone bears a testimony
about a product.
• Humor: Can be used to enhance selling
features and make them more meaningful and
• Musical Script: A script may contain a
jingle, or it can contain singing or
background music.
Steps To Creating A Commericial
1. Decide on an objective
2. Create an idea that will achieve the
3. Select a format & length
4. Write a script and/or music
5. Create a story board
6. Find actors/actresses for the script roles
7. Choose a set & shoot the commercial
8. Edit the commercial
STEP ONE: Decide on an objective
Should the commercial be designed to:
Increase brand awareness?
Reemphasize an existing brand image?
Get people to try a new product?
Introduce a new package?
Or accomplish some other marketing
STEP TWO: Create an idea/concept for a
commercial that will achieve that objective.
What strategy or approach will you use?
Advertisers have many methods to try
and get you to buy their products. Lots
of times, what they are selling is a
lifestyle, or an image, rather than the
product. Consider a variety of
advertising strategies to accomplish
your goals.
STEP THREE: Select a format & the length
What format will best suit your target
audience? Why?
What length will your advertising
budget support? Cost will vary based
on the length, plus time & station aired.
STEP FOUR: Creating A Script
The script writer’s #1 goal is to
gain audience attention in the first
few seconds. They create the written
plan for the commercial, otherwise
known as the copy.
Copy All spoken words or written text
in an advertisement.
Creating A Script
A typical commercial
has an:
• Opening
• Middle or “Sell”
• Close
The first few seconds
are critical to grab the
viewer’s attention
The middle should
highlight benefits.
• The close should
invite the viewer to
take action.
STEP FIVE: The Storyboard
A storyboard is a set of rough sketches
depicting a message and a corresponding
script. Typically, the sketches and
audio/video commands are placed in
columns side by side.
STEP FIVE: The Storyboard
indicates a long shot
indicates a medium shot
indicates a close up
indicates a quick transition
from one scene to another
indicates a slow transition;
one scene fades while the
other appears
STEP FIVE: The Storyboard
means music under when
the voice comes out stronger
refers to superimposed copy on the film
“voice under” ;indicates that the music
is heard over the voice
Voice On
means that the performers do
the talking
Voice Over means that the performers DO
NOT talk, but a voice is heard
STEP FIVE: The Storyboard
John walks in the
Voice On
John: I hate my
1. What are the four roles (departments)
of an advertising agency?
2. What is the first (and most critical)
step in creating a commercial?
3. Explain one type of commercial
4. What is a storyboard and what is it’s
Super Bowl
Commercial Project