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Chapter 5
Lecture Outline
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Leaf Arrangements and Types
Internal Structure of Leaves
Mesophyll and Veins
Specialized Leaves
Autumnal Changes in Leaf Color
Human and Ecological Relevance of Leaves
All leaves originate as primordia in buds.
At maturity, most leaves have:
• Stalk = petiole
Leaves sessile if lacking petiole (monocots)
• Flattened blade = lamina
• Network of veins = vascular bundles
• Stipules at base of petiole
Leaves of flowering plants associated with
leaf gaps and have axillary buds at base.
Leaves may be simple or
• Simple leaves - With a
single blade
• Compound leaves - Blade
divided into leaflets
Pinnately compound leaves Leaflets in pairs along rachis
Bipinnately compound leaf Leaflets subdivided
Palmately compound leaves All leaflets attached at same
point at end of petiole.
compound leaf
Green leaves capture light energy by means
of photosynthesis.
• Photosynthesis - Trapping and storing of energy
in sugar molecules that are constructed from
water and carbon dioxide
Stomata - Tiny pores on lower surfaces of
• Allow carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to
diffuse out
• Water vapor also escapes via stomata.
Guard Cells control water loss by opening or closing
pore of stomatal apparatus.
Other functions of leaves:
• Wastes from metabolic processes accumulate in
leaves and are disposed of when leaves are
• Play major role in movement of water absorbed
by roots
Transpiration occurs when water evaporates from leaf
Guttation - Root pressure forces water out hydathodes
at tips of leaf veins in some plants.
Leaf Arrangements and Types
Leaves are attached to stems at nodes, with
stem regions between known as internodes.
• Phyllotaxy - Arrangement of leaves on stem
Alternate - One leaf per node
Opposite - Two leaves per node
Whorled - Three of more leaves at a node
Leaf Arrangements and Types
Venation - Arrangement of veins in a leaf or
leaflet blade
• Pinnately veined leaves - Main midvein included
within enlarged midrib.
Secondary veins branch from midvein.
• Palmately veined leaves - Several primary veins
fan out from base of blade.
Leaf Arrangements and Types
Monocots - Primary veins parallel = Parallel
Dicots - Primary veins divergent in various
ways = netted or reticulate venation.
Dichotomous venation - Veins fork evenly and
progressively from base of blade.
Reticulate venation
Internal Structure of Leaves
Three regions: Epidermis, mesophyll, veins
(vascular bundles)
Epidermis - Single layer of cells covering the
entire surface of the leaf
• Devoid of chloroplasts
• Coated with cuticle (with cutin)
• Functions to protect tissues inside leaves
• Waste materials may accumulate in epidermal
• Different types of glands may also be present in
the epidermis.
Lower epidermis typically has thinner layer of
cutin and is perforated by numerous stomata.
• Stomata bordered by two guard cells.
Guard cells originate from the same parent cell, and
contain chloroplasts.
o Primary functions:
« Regulate gas exchange between leaf interior and
« Regulate evaporation of water
o Changes in amount of water in guard cells cause
them to inflate or deflate.
« Inflate - Stomata open
« Deflate - Stomata close
Mesophyll and Veins
Most photosynthesis takes place in the
mesophyll between the two epidermal layers.
• Palisade Mesophyll
– Compactly
stacked, barrelshaped
cells, commonly
in two rows
– Contains most of
leaf’s chloroplasts
• Spongy Mesophyll
Loosely arranged parenchyma cells with abundant air
Mesophyll and Veins
Veins (vascular bundles) are scattered
throughout mesophyll.
• Consist of xylem and phloem tissues surrounded
by bundle sheath of thicker-walled parenchyma
Mesophyll and Veins
Monocots have some differences:
• Usually do not have mesophyll differentiated into
palisade and spongy layers
• Often have bulliform
cells on either side
of main central vein
Bulliform cells partly
collapse under dry
Causes leaf to fold
or roll, reducing
Monocot leaf cross section
Specialized Leaves
Shade Leaves
• Receive less total
light than sun
• Compared to sun
leaves, shade
Tend to be larger
Tend to be thinner
Have fewer welldefined mesophyll
layers and fewer
Have fewer hairs
Specialized Leaves
Leaves of Arid Regions
• Arid regions have limited availability of water, wide
temperature ranges, and high light intensities.
• Leaves reduce loss of water by:
Thick, leathery leaves
Fewer stomata or sunken stomata
Succulent, water-retaining leaves, or no leaves
Dense, hairy coverings
Leaves of Aquatic Areas
• Less xylem and phloem
• Mesophyll not differentiated into palisade and
spongy layers.
• Large air spaces
Specialized Leaves
• Modified leaves that curl
around more rigid objects,
helping the plant to climb
or to support weak stems
Garden peas
• Modified leaves that reduce leaf
surface and water loss, and protect
from herbivory.
o Leaf tissue replaced with
o Photosynthesis occurs in stems.
Specialized Leaves
Thorns - Modified stems
arising in the axils of
leaves of woody plants
Prickles - Outgrowths
from epidermis or cortex
Specialized Leaves
Storage leaves
• Succulent leaves are modified for water storage.
Have parenchyma cells with large vacuoles
Many desert plants
• Fleshy leaves store carbohydrates.
Onions, lily
Specialized Leaves
Flower-Pot Leaves
• Leaves develop into
urn-like pouches that
become home of ant
• Ants carry in soil and
add nitrogenous wastes
that provide good
growing medium for the
plant’s own roots.
Dischidia, an epiphyte of
Flower-pot leaf sliced lengthwise
Specialized Leaves
Window leaves
• In succulent desert plants of Africa
• Leaves buried in ground, except for exposed end.
End has transparent, thick epidermis and transparent
water storage cells underneath.
Allows light into leaf, while buried leaves keep plant
from drying out
Specialized Leaves
Reproductive Leaves
• Walking fern - New plants at leaf tips
• Air plant - Tiny plantlets along leaf margins
Air Plant
Specialized Leaves
Floral Leaves (bracts)
• At bases of flowers or flower stalks
• Poinsettia - Flowers do not have petals, instead
brightly colored bracts surround flowers.
• Clary’s sage - Colorful bracts are at top of
flowering stalks above flowers.
Clary’s sage
Specialized Leaves
Insect-Trapping Leaves
• Grow in swampy areas
and bogs
Nitrogen and other
elements are deficient in
Specialized leaves trap
and digest insects.
• Pitcher Plants
Insects trapped and
digested inside coneshaped leaves.
Pitcher plant
Specialized Leaves
Insect-Trapping Leaves
• Sundews
Have round to oval leaves
covered with glandular
hairs that have a sticky
fluid of digestive enzymes
at tip
• Venus’s Flytraps
Only in North Carolina and
South Carolina
Blade halves trap insects.
Specialized Leaves
Insect-Trapping Leaves
• Bladderworts
Submerged or floating in shallow water
Tiny bladders on leaves have trap doors that trap
insects inside bladders.
Bladder of bladderwort
Autumnal Changes in Leaf Color
Chloroplasts of mature leaves contain
several groups of pigments:
• Chlorophylls - Green
• Carotenoids - Yellows
• In fall, chlorophylls break down and other colors
are revealed.
Water soluble anthocyanins (red or blue) and
betacyanins (red) may also be present in the
Deciduous plants drop leaves seasonally.
Abscission - Process by which leaves are shed
• Occurs as a result of changes in abscission zone
near base of petiole
Protective layer
Cells coated and
impregnated with
Separation layer
Pectins in middle
lamella of cells are
broken down by
Human and Ecological Relevance of Leaves
Landscaping - Shade trees
Food - Cabbage, lettuce, celery petioles, spices
Perfumes - Oils of orange tree, lavender
Ropes and Twine - Agave, hemp fibers
Drugs - Narcotics, tobacco, marijuana
Beverages - Tea, tequila (agave leaves)
Insecticides - Rotenone
Waxes - Carnauba and caussu waxes
Aesthetics - Floral arrangements, gardens
Leaf Arrangements and Types
Internal Structure of Leaves
Mesophyll and Veins
Specialized Leaves
Autumnal Changes in Leaf Color
Human and Ecological Relevance of Leaves