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Menopausal Syndrome:
What To Do
(A Sequel to the last volume)
In the last volume, I talked about how to categorize menopausal syndrome and they were
divided into 2 types, that is, hyperthyroidism type and hypothyroidism type. In Eastern
Medicine, hyperthyroidism type has hyper activity of Heart energy and Liver energy, and
hypothyroidism type has weakness of Liver and Spleen energy. This time I will talk about what
to do for each type of menopausal syndrome.
Hyperthyroidism type:
First, let’s look at hyper activity of the Heart energy caused by hyperthyroidism. Hyper
activity of the Heart energy can be controlled by strengthening Kidney Energy because Heart
energy and Kidney energy balance each other. Heart energy is Fire and Kidney energy is Water,
strong Yang and Yin energy in Eastern Medicine. So if we increase Water, we can calm down
Then what should you do to increase Water, that is, to strengthen Kidney energy? To
strengthen Kidney energy, please eat root vegetables and beans, and I especially recommend
eating burdock root, Kabocha squash and Adzuki beans. Burdock root excretes toxins and
encourages urination. Kabocha squash and Adzuki beans encourage urination, and the
combination of these two is very famous as an effective recipe for diabetes, which is closely
related to the weakness of Kidney energy. Why is it necessary to encourage urination? The heat
caused by the hyper activity of the Heart goes out of the body together with urination. Also
please try to avoid cold beverage and sweets which weaken Kidney energy.
How about hyper activity of Liver energy? In acupuncture treatment, the same protocol as
controlling Heart energy is applied, but as a home remedy, the most important thing
is reducing the quantity of eating because if you eat a lot of foods, the Liver has to work
hard to detoxify them and generate more heat. Please give some rest to the Liver. Since the
hyper activity of Liver energy affects the blood flow, it is good to eat Umeboshi plum which
makes the blood flow smoothly. Umeboshi Concentrates is stronger than Umeboshi plum to
improve the blood flow.
Hypothyroidism type:
In Eastern Medicine, weakness of Liver and Spleen energy is the condition that the blood is
insufficient. It is necessary to increase the blood. What food becomes the blood? That is grain.
Please eat grains with chewing well. If possible, it is the best to eat brown rice. Brown rice
is not only a very good material of the blood and also excretes toxins.
Ume-Sho-Bancha is highly recommended for both Hyperthyroidism type and Hypothyroidism
type. Ume-Sho-Bancha consists of Umeboshi plum, ginger, soy sauce and Bancha tea (Roasted
twig tea).
Umeboshi plum and ginger encourage appetite and also make your blood flow smoothly. Salt in
Ume plum and soy sauce encourage excretion of digestive juice in the stomach. Enzyme in soy
sauce harmonizes the stomach. Bancha (Roasted Twig Tea) neutralizes the oxidized body and
cleanses the blood. Also Bancha doesn’t have an effect to make the body cold like coffee, green
tea and black tea so it is good to drink every day regardless of your body constitution.
This is applied to both types. Please reduce the amount to take the following foods with the
limits of your life style.
Foods making your body cold: sugar, fruit, spices, alcohol
Foods tending to accumulate waste in the body and break the hormone balance: meat,
fish, egg, milk, oil, dairy products
Recipe of Ume-Sho-Bancha:
Umeboshi plum------------------------------ 1 piece
Soy sauce------------------------------ 1 table spoon
Grated ginger-------------------- 10% of Umeboshi
Bancha (Roasted twig tea)-------------------- 1 cup
Crush Umeboshi in a cup, put shoyu and grated ginger, and pour boiled roasted twig tea. Drink
it hot. But if you think the preparation is too much trouble, you can purchase Ume-sho
concentrates from the following URL of Natural Import Company (As a matter of fact, I'm
using it myself).
Roasted Twig Tea:
Umeboshi Plum products: