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Testosterone & Bodybuilding
A primary goal of all bodybuilders is to increase testosterone levels
and optimise its anabolic effects. Testosterone is a powerful anabolic
hormone that is released from the testes in males, and the ovaries
and adrenal glands in females. Testosterone’s release is controlled by
Luteinising Hormone (LH), secreted from the pituitary found at the
base of the brain. Testosterone effects can be anabolic; accelerated
growth of muscle, bone and red blood cells; or androgenic, changes in
sex organs and voice pitch, increased face and body hair, and
psychological effects such as aggressiveness.1 Anabolic hormones
stimulate rebuilding and repair reactions in the muscle. Catabolic
hormones stimulate the breakdown of carbohydrate, fat, and even
protein for energy.2 Testosterone stimulates muscle protein synthesis.
Supplement timing increases testosterone production and enhances
uptake of testosterone by muscle.3 A minimum of 20% of your calories
must be consumed from fat to maintain normal testosterone synthesis,
with saturated fat being the preferred form.4 However, it is almost
important to remember that a high fat diet, especially one high in
saturated fats puts you at risk of negative effects on your lipid and
cholesterol levels as well as putting you further at risk of some
Cortisol Discourages Muscle Gains
Cortisol is a primary signal hormone for carbohydrate metabolism.
When glycogen is low, proteins must be catabolised to produce
energy. Cortisol converts amino acids to carbohydrates increasing the
level of enzymes that break down proteins, called photolytic enzymes,
and inhibiting protein synthesis. Cortisol increases with resistance
training, especially when rest periods are short and the body has
adapted. The testosterone to cortisol ratio has also been used to
determine the body’s anabolic-catabolic status. Cortisol’s role in
suppressing the immune system has a direct impact on muscle tissue
recovery and remodelling.5 Supplements to prevent excessive rises in
cortisol such as those containing 'Phosphatidylserine' can help with
exercise performance and to increase the ratio of testosterone to
cortisol levels.
Supplements for Bodybuilding
Beta Ecdysterone (Beta-Ecdysterone; Isoinokosterone,
Viticosterone, Polypodine A, Leuza extract, Ecdisten, Ecdysten,
ECDY) is present in most plant species. When administered in
combination with pure protein to trained subjects, it has
demonstrated increased muscle mass and total work, and a
decrease in body fat. Improved sexual function, sleep,
antioxidant properties and immune-supporting effects have also
been attributed to it.6
Fenugreek (also known as Trigonella Foenumgraecum) is one of
the oldest medicinal herbs known, dating back 2500 years. An
effective blood cleanser, it increases sweat through the skin’s
pores. The lymphatic system is a vital system in the body for
eliminating waste, and a blocked system can lead to poor energy
levels, poor circulation and fluid retention, and increased pain.
Fenugreek in supplements will boost the ability of the body to
absorb the other ingredients, particularly proteins and
carbohydrates, and helps protect the stomach while increasing
digestive function.
Growth Hormone (Also known as GH or HGH) is secreted by the
pituitary gland. When combined with resistance training, it
enhances amino acid uptake and protein synthesis resulting in
muscle hypertrophy.7 Technically speaking, GH supplementation
is not testosterone supplementation.
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium, Epimediia, Yin Yang Huo) is a
genus of more than 16 plant species contains 130 plant active
compounds. Effectiveness varies from species plant to the next,
dependent on the actives. One active, icariin increases erectile
function, improve immune function, and acts as a powerful
Insulin is a very potent anabolic hormone secreted by the
pancreas in response to blood glucose and amino acid
concentrations in blood. It facilitates glucose and amino acid
uptake in the cell. It increases protein synthesis, and is
considered an anabolic hormone.9
Longifolia (Also known as Eurycoma Longifolia, Jack, Long Jack,
Tongkat Ali and Malaysian Ginseng) is from Southeast Asia with
a long history as an aphrodisiac. A recent study involving men
engaged in bodybuilding training supplemented with Longifolia
resulted in increased lean body mass.10
Methoxy (also known as 5-Methyl-7-Methoxy-Isoflavone,
Methoxyisoflavone & Methoxyflavone) decreases cortisol levels,
increases protein synthesis, and improves overall recovery from
exercise. ECDY works synergistically with methoxy to increase
protein synthesis, maintain a positive nitrogen balance and
keeping your body in an anabolic state, hence is worth stacking
with a protein powder.
Tribulus (Also known as Gokshura, Ji Li (fruit), Yingjili, Puncture
Vine, Devil’s Thorn, Cat’s head, Tribestan) has been used
internationally by bodybuilders to increase endogenous
testosterone, strength and muscularity. The primary active is
protodioscin with the Bulgarian sourced ingredient potentially the
most potent.11
Viraloid is a blend of steroidal alkaloids called ‘diosegins’ derived
from high sterol-containing plants. Viraloid used year round
foundation during any training cycle may keep your natural
testosterone levels elevated, unlike other testosterone boosters
that rapidly decrease in effectiveness over time. Viraloid can
increase the amount of testosterone produced by the body.
ZMA (Also known as: Zinc and Magnesium) plays a role in
testosterone production. The trace element zinc is involved in
hundreds of metabolic actions. The body’s hormones such as
insulin, estrogen, testosterone and growth hormone are
dependent on zinc. Supplementing with zinc may help you
optimise hormone production, especially if you are deficient.12
Testosterone Support Supplements For Bodybuilders
As indicated in this article, many supplements may assist with
testosterone levels, and consequently protein synthesis. The use of
any of the supplements listed in this article can boost your
testosterone, with your choice being dependent on your specific
requirements. Used in conjunction with a balanced diet and training
programme, these supplements may help you in your goal of attaining
quality muscle mass. It is important to note however that while
increasing testosterone levels may be beneficial for muscle growth,
long term effects of raised testosterone levels are yet to be
determined. Always remember to use supplements wisely and at
recommended dosages to avoid excessive consumption leading to
possible negative consequences further down the track.