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Chewable Vitamins and Minerals
with Trace Elements
Promoting A
Solid Nutritional
Foundation for Kids
Is there a product for my children? Vita-Saurus is a good tasting, comprehensive chewable
multiple vitamin and mineral supplement designed for children up to the age at which they learn
to swallow tablets. Older adults and individuals that have difficulty swallowing tablets can take it
too. And, it does not contain sugar.
Vita-Saurus is a good tasting,
comprehensive chewable multiple
vitamin and mineral supplement
designed for children up to the age
at which they learn to swallow
tablets. Older adults and individuals
that have difficulty swallowing
tablets can take it too. A great deal
of work and experience went into its
development, which involved a team
of pediatricians, biochemists, and
a pharmacist with years of experience in the nutrition field. They saw
a need for a totally comprehensive
multiple vitamin / mineral supplement for children — Vita-Saurus
was designed and developed for
that reason.
Unique Formula
Vita-Saurus is in a category all of
its own because of its unique,
comprehensive formulation. There
is not a product anywhere that
begins to compare. Each bottle
contains a mixture of two different
flavored tablets. It has a full spectrum of all the vitamins and minerals
that are classified “essential.”
“Essential” nutrients are necessary
for a healthy body but are not
produced within our bodies. They
must therefore be obtained through
diet and/or supplementation.
We have challenged people to look
in any drug or health food store and
try to find a chewable vitamin that
even comes close to Vita-Saurus.
Most children’s chewables contain
vitamins A, C, D and a small amount
of B-Complex. For all practical
purposes, most other chewable
products available are made in a
base of regular table sugar and
flavored with synthetic substances
so they will taste like candy. Many are
loaded with different synthetic food
coloring agents. These so called
“nutritional products” usually gain
their appeal by intensive TV advertising, not because of their nutritional
value. For parents who wish to
avoid as much artificial colors and
flavors, preservatives and sugar in
their children’s diet as possible,
Vita-Saurus is the ideal choice.
Natural Flavorings
Vita-Saurus is flavored with a blend
of natural extracts from peach,
grape and orange. Its primary
sweetening comes from sucralose,
a non-nutritive sweetener derived
from sugar that is 600 times as
sweet as sugar, so that just over a
milligram is all that is needed, and
it has no unpleasant aftertaste.
Most similar products that don’t use
sugar are sweetened with aspartame. Natural Carotenoid sources are
used to provide vitamin A activity. As
in all Lifeplus products, the vitamin D
found in Vita-Saurus is natural vitamin
D-3 from fish liver oil, rather than
synthetic vitamin D-2. Also included
are oil soluble vitamins E and K. Very
few children’s supplements contain
vitamin E and even fewer contain
vitamin K.
Minerals and Trace Elements
Vita-Saurus is one of few the children’s products that contain all of the
essential trace minerals (manganese,
copper, zinc, iodine, selenium, molybdenum and chromium) in addition to
the two important standard minerals
(calcium and magnesium). The latter
two can only be supplied in small
amounts in a reasonable sized tablet.
Phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and
chloride are not included, because
these minerals are abundant even in
diets of poor quality.
Trace minerals are every bit as
important to nutrition as vitamins.
Although they make up only a tiny
fraction of body weight, they are
involved in 95% of enzyme reactions,
which create the biochemistry of life.
Chromium is an important ingredient
◊These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
in any children’s supplement because it supports the action of
insulin, which controls entry of
glucose into cells. High sugar diets
have been shown to increase the
need for dietary chromium.
Manganese, zinc, copper, and selenium all serve important antioxidant
functions that help fight free radicals
formed by various harsh environmental elements. Iodine is essential
to maintain healthy thyroid gland
function.◊ Molybdenum is the cofactor for sulfite metabolizing enzymes necessary to support healthy
development of the nervous system
in young children.◊ Children need
protection from free radicals and
adequate trace mineral intake as
much as, if not more, than adults.
In addition to the vitamins and
minerals, Vita-Saurus contains many
additional associated nutrients.
The citrus bioflavonoids, rutin and
hesperidin, are synergistic with
vitamin C. Vita-Saurus contains the
full array of B-Complex vitamins,
plus biotin and the valuable nutrients,
PABA, choline, and inositol.
Iron Free
Iron is intentionally not added to
Vita-Saurus because its bad taste
is impossible to mask without the
use of synthetic flavorings, and because iron poisoning from accidental
overdose of chewable vitamins is
a major cause of death in children
under 3 years of age. Most children
derive adequate iron from high quality
whole food diets. Some special diets,
such as certain strict vegetarian diets
may not provide adequate iron for
growing children, but we believe it is
best for parents to consult a licensed
health care practitioner knowledgeable in pediatric nutrition regarding
specific iron supplementation if it is
PhytoZyme® Base
Vita-Saurus is formulated in the
proprietary Lifeplus ® PhytoZyme ®
base, which contains a unique blend
of over thirty natural ingredients
including special herbs, synergistic
phytonutrient cofactors from fruits
and vegetables, plus plant enzymes
for bioavailability.
When you take Lifeplus products,
you have the added benefit of
receiving the numerous healthsuppor ting phytochemicals and
other micronutrients contained in
the PhytoZyme base.
Most Comprehensive Formula
Of Its Type Available
Vita-Saurus is one of the most
rational and comprehensive general
nutritional product for children on the
market today. Parents like it because
not only is it the best nutritional
product available, but it tastes good
and children love it. The nutrition of
our youth is very important. A healthy
start on life supports good health in
later years. Vita-Saurus is one of the
best ways to provide the nutritional
insurance they need.
◊These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size
Servings Per Container
2 Tablets
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value
2 to 3
years of age
(1 Tablet)
Total Carbohydrate
Vitamin A (100% (2667 IU)
as Carotenes)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin D-3 (Cholecalciferol)
Vitamin E (D-Alpha Succinate)
Vitamin K-1 (Phytomenadione)
Thiamin Mononitrate (Vitamin B-1)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2)
Niacin (Nicotinamide)
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine HCI)
Folic Acid
Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Pantothenic Acid
Calcium (Total)
2667 IU
100 mg
200 IU
15 IU
20 mcg
3.2 mg
3.0 mg
13.5 mg
3.2 mg
200 mcg
10 mcg
60 mcg
5 mg
13 mg
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value
Adults &
Children 4 or
more years
(2 Tablets)
2 to 3
years of age
(1 Tablet)
Iodine (as Potassium Iodide)
Magnesium (as Magnesium Carbonate)
Zinc (as Zinc Sulfate)
Selenium (as Sodium Selenite)
Copper (as Copper Sulfate)
Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate)
Chromium (as Chromium Chloride)
Molybdenum (as Sodium Molybdate)
Choline Bitartrate
Lemon Bioflavonoids
100 mcg
3.2 mg
8 mg
20 mcg
0.1 mg
1.0 mg
20 mcg
10 mcg
10 mg
10 mg
10 mg
2 mg
1 mg
1 mg
Adults &
Children 4 or
more years
(2 Tablets)
*Percent Daily Values are based on 2,000 calorie diet.
**Daily Value not established.
INGREDIENTS: Sorbitol, Mannitol, Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid), Peach Powder (Natural Color), Calcium Carbonate, Natural Grape, Orange and Vanilla Flavors, Stearic
Acid, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Carotenoids (Palm/Carrot Oil), Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin E (D-Alpha Succinate), Grape Skin Extract (Natural Color), Magnesium Stearate,
Niacin (Nicotinamide), Magnesium Carbonate, Rutin, PABA, Choline Bitartrate, PhytoZyme® proprietary blend (Bromelain, Papain, Alfalfa, Parsley, and vegetable and
fruit concentrates from Blueberry, Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, Kale, Asparagus, Beet, Chili Pepper, Green Bean, Pea, Sweet Potato, Cucumber, Pumpkin,
Snow Pea, Tomato, Watercress, Zucchini, Lima Beans, Mushroom, Banana, Cantaloupe, Cranberry, Guava, Lemon, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pineapple and
Grapefruit), Calcium-D-Pantothenate, Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine HCl), Thiamin Mononitrate (Vitamin B-1), Manganese Sulfate, Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2), Inositol, Hesperidin
Complex, Sucralose (non-nutritive sweetener), Lemon Bioflavonoids, Vitamin D-3 (Cholecalciferol), Copper Sulfate, Folic Acid, Chromium Picolinate, Potassium Iodide,
Silica, Biotin, Sodium Selenite, Sodium Molybdate, Vitamin K-1 (Phytomenadione), and Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin).
DIRECTIONS: Adults and Children 4 or More Years: Chew two tablets once a day as a general vitamin and mineral
supplement. Children 2 to 3 Years of Age: Chew one tablet once a day as a general vitamin and mineral supplement.
As with all supplements, please consult your physician prior to taking if you are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant, breast-feeding, under
a doctor's care or taking prescription medication.
Caution: Excessive consumption may cause laxative effect. When using as a supplement for small children, an adult should supervise its use so as
to avoid potential choking.
Formulated in the exclusive PhytoZyme® base of plant enzymes for bioavailability and over 30 synergistic fruit, vegetable and herbal concentrates
for "extra" phytonutrient cofactors.
Allergy Information: This product is processed in the same facility that processes products containing fish/shellfish, soy and dairy.
This product was not tested on animals.
Suitable for Vegetarians.
◊These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Lifeplus International • P.O. Box 3749, Batesville, Arkansas 72503 • 800-572-8446 •
This information is for use and distribution only in the United States.
© 2012 Lifeplus International. All rights reserved.
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