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Transcript - Reviews & Results of Steroid Cycles
Steroid Reviews, Cycle Dosages, and Results for Bodybuilding. What are the top
Bulking and Cutting Steroids Plus Side Effects and Where to Buy Online.
Deca Durabolin Results, Side Effects and Dosage Cycles
Around the globe, Deca Durabolin is the most widely used synthetic anabolic steroid on the market.
Deca Durabolin is made up of the hormone Nandrolone. Deca Nandrolone is a naturally occurring
substance produced in small amounts in the body. Deca Durabolin is the brand name for an
injectable form of Nandrolone Decanoate. There are other similar anabolics on the market,
including Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, however Deca Durabolin in one of the most widely used
and cost-effective synthetic steroids available today.
Deca Durabolin, or ‘Deca’ as it’s often called, is just one carbon atom away from becoming pure
testosterone. The end result is that it has many of the same benefits of testosterone, but not as
many side effects. Buy Deca Durabolin online here.
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Table of Contents
What is Deca Durabolin?
Deca Durabolin Cycles
Deca Durabolin Results
User Reviews
Dosage Guide
Deca Durabolin Gains
Injectable Deca Durabolin
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Buy Deca Durabolin
Side Effects
Deca Durabolin History
Deca Durabolin was created by Organon International in 1962 when the first wave of anabolic
steroids was arriving in the market. Deca Durabolin is the Organon brand name for the injectable
steroid Nandrolone Decanoate.
Organon International was a pharmaceutical company in Oss, Netherlands. Its first product was
insulin in 1923 but it was primarily a producer of female contraceptives like the NuvaRing. In 1953
the company also began producing cortisone.
In 2007 Organon was purchased by Schering Plough. In 2009 Schering Plough merged with Merck
to form Merck & Company. Merck is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world,
headquartered in New Jersey. It employs more than 51,000 people in 120 countries. Merck still
produces a number of the same drugs created by Organon, including Deca Durabolin.
Medical Applications
Deca Durabolin is classified as a 19-nortestosterone anabolic androgenic steroid. It has amazing
medical applications including treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women as well as
improving outcomes for some forms of anemia.
Clinical studies have shown its effectiveness in treating breast cancer. It is also used as a progestinbased contraceptive. It has been well tolerated and effective for treating muscle-wasting diseases,
as the effect of the steroid is to build muscle tissue in the user. HIV patients experience enormous
health gains from this drug.
Deca Durabolin improves weakness and fatigue in geriatric patients. It also has been shown to
improve new tissue growth in severe burn victims and treat ulcers. Patients with some of the most
rare of diseases have been treated successfully with this steroid; it helps pituitary deficient
dwarfism and even improves development retardation in children.
While Deca Durabolin has proven beneficial in all these areas, it has excelled is in its ability to treat
osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease primarily affecting the elderly, where the skeletal
structure becomes increasingly fragile. In the United States, this disease affects 25 million people
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annually. Studies have shown, injections of 50mg Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) every
two to three weeks are a protocol that improves bone strength in these patients.
Legal Status of Deca
In 1983 the US FDA approved Nandrolone for clinical applications. Today, you can legally buy
Deca Durabolin, or Deca Nandrolone, with a prescription. Your physician likely will not prescribe
the medication for performance enhancement.
It is a violation of federal law to purchase these drugs without a prescription under the Steroid
Control Act of 1990. The punishments are drug-related felonies and carry high penalties. There are
other countries with similar laws, but few are as strict as the United States. It is important for
consumers to consider this before purchasing Deca Durabolin online.
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Because of its effectiveness, Deca Durabolin has been implicated in a number of “doping”
scandals plaguing professional athletes. Nandrolone is directly detectable in hair or indirectly
detectable in urine. Mass spectrometry is also used to detect small samples of Nandrolone in urine
samples, as it has a unique molar mass.
In 1999 a number of doping cases including high profile athletes made headlines. The following
year it was proven that the testing methodology was flawed; a number of false positives were
documented; and the testing process was redefined. Check out the best cutting cycles here.
In 2007 five-time American track and field gold medalist Marion Jones admitted using Nandrolone.
Jones was sentenced to six months in jail for initially lying to a grand jury.
Deca Durabolin Benefits & Results
If you are a bodybuilder or athlete seeking performance enhancement, Deca Durabolin results are
real and measurable. Deca works on the muscle tissue, increasing mass and helping connective
tissues store water, which helps alleviate joint pain during intense training and exercising. Deca
Durabolin helps your body synthesize collagen and increases the mineral content in bones, allimportant results for professional athletes.
Deca Durabolin also helps muscles retain nitrogen. This is important, because muscle tissue is
made up of roughly 16% nitrogen. Increasing nitrogen to the muscles helps build and retain muscle
strength during intense training.
Deca Durabolin is a slow release steroid, which increases the time between injections. One
injection can last up to two or three weeks. While Deca has a potent anabolic rating, slightly higher
than testosterone, its androgenic activity is much lower. It is a very well tolerated anabolic steroid
for healthy adult males. Deca Durabolin aromatizes but only at 20% of the rate of testosterone.
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Deca Durabolin also improves weakness and fatigue. While low doses are used in medical
applications, this drug is widely used in the professional sports scene, many times in much higher
doses. Globally, Deca is one of the most widely used anabolic steroids. Its popularity is due to its
effectiveness in developing lean muscle tissue, while having low side effects. It is only 20%
estrogenic when compared to testosterone. Athletes supplement with Deca Durabolin to improve
sporting performance and experience the following:
Deca aids in injury recovery;
It increases muscle size, strength and power;
It allows athletes to train harder and for extended periods;
It increases aggression and the urge to compete.
It should be noted that Deca Durabolin is a slow acting medication. Off-label use of the drug, is
widespread. Many athletes use this steroid during their off-season, because the increase in muscle
mass is slow, due to the ester-based content of the drug. However athlete reviews of Deca
Durabolin tell us that the mass built with Deca will often be higher quality and offer better results for
a longer period of time when compared with other anabolic steroids.
During this off-season, athletes will also enjoy the therapeutic relief of Deca, specifically its effect
on reducing joint pain. Typically, the most intense weight training occurs off-season, so athletes
welcome this pain relieving action.
Deca Durabolin helps athletes grow more muscle with less water weight gain. It also increases
metabolism. Athletes, professional baseball players, weightlifters, and others all benefit from this
drug, even in low doses. A slightly higher dose will provide pain relief, enhance overall muscle
recovery, and increase endurance. Deca Durabolin actually works to heal the muscles, which is
certainly preferable to opiates, which only mask physical pain.
Deca Durabolin Cycle
Deca Durabolin is often cut with other drugs. Some athletes develop a bulking or cutting cycle,
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which typically includes testosterone, particularly the higher ester based supplements like
Testosterone Cypionate. Some may prefer additional steroids like Anadrol or Dianabol to benefit
their personal cycle.
Athletes seeking dramatic before and after results pictures and massive Deca gains often
experiment with these cycles, seeking the best benefits and most long-lasting results of Deca
Durabolin as a way to enhance their performance on the field.
Deca Durabolin Dosages
A standard range of dosage for Deca Durabolin is 100 mg every two to four weeks. For real
anabolic benefits, many athletes start at 300 mg per week and build from there. The adult male
athlete typically experiences a positive result with an injection of 400 mg every one to two weeks.
When seeking muscle build-up, they often stack Deca with 15 to 40 mg Dianabol and
Testosterone. A Deca stack of these drugs increases the speed of muscle bulking. Athletes
sometimes cut with 500 mg Sustanon, but generally Deca Durabolin can be combined with many
other steroids to improve the desired effect.
The drug does potentially increase water retention, but stacking with Proviron and Nolvadex can
mitigate this side effect. Athletes typically stack the following:
400 mg Deca Durabolin weekly;
50 mg Winstrol daily;
228 mg Parabolan weekly;
25 mg Oxandrolone daily.
Women typically do well with a 50 to 100 mg dosage per week but generally only for therapeutic
reasons because of unpredictable Deca Durabolin side effects at higher dosages. At higher doses
androgenic virilization symptoms can occur including a deeper voice, growth of body hare, acne,
increased libido and possibly growth of the external sex organs. Women should be alert to these
side effects and discontinue use of Deca Durabolin should they occur.
Sometimes women cut Deca with Oxandrolone at 10 mg per day. Both drugs, when combined in a
low dose, do not create overly masculinizing side effects.
Side Effects
Deca Durabolin at low doses is generally tolerated well by the liver in healthy individuals. Too, the
estrogenic effects sometimes found in other synthetic steroids are less, however reduced libido and
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erectile dysfunction in males can sometimes occur.
It should be noted that Deca Durabolin is extremely suppressive to natural testosterone so
supplements are recommended. Some studies have shown that even a single 100 mg dosage of
Deca Durabolin will have a suppressive effect.
Other side effects in men occur in higher doses of the drug. Androgenic side effects could include
acne, increased hair loss in men that are predisposed to male pattern baldness, and, conversely,
body hair growth. Many male athletes choose to counteract these effects by using Finasteride in
their cycle.
Women using Deca Durabolin can experience virilization. Virilization symptoms include body hair
growth, a deeper voice, and clitoral enlargement.
Studies have shown that Deca Durabolin does have a negative effect on cholesterol. This drug can
suppress HDL, or “good” cholesterol levels. Due to this, we recommend maintaining healthy
cholesterol by increasing consumption of omega fatty acids, and adding cardiovascular activity as
part of your active training cycle. Users of Deca Durabolin should closely monitor their cholesterol
levels throughout the process.
Customer Reviews
Consumers tell us that Deca Durabolin is one of the most effective synthetic anabolic steroids ever
created. The benefits are applied in medicine but also enjoyed by the novice bodybuilder as well as
the professional athlete. In low doses it is well tolerated by both men and women. They say that, for
the Deca price, it has the best steroids value.
Steroids have been around for 75 years and Deca has remained at the top of the list when it comes
to providing results. For this reason, it is considered by many athletes to be an essential part of the
off-season training regimen.
Cost & Where To Purchase
In the U.S., it is illegal to purchase Deca Durabolin without a prescription. Athletes seeking the drug
buy it online. However, the online purchase of these drugs is also illegal in the United States.
We urge caution in selecting a Deca manufacturer as the Internet has many websites and products
that offer this substance. Proceed with caution, as counterfeiting is widespread around the world.
Because of its popularity and high demand, there are many underground manufacturers claiming to
have real Deca Durabolin. Users typical spend a great deal of time researching sources before
attempting to purchase.
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On the underground market, Deca remains wildly popular. 200 mg products from Mexico are
currently dominating the market. These products are easily available and lower cost. Some of the
brand names include:
In an effort to staunch competitors, Mexican pharmaceutical company Ttokkyo is selling
Nandrolona 300, a 300 mg dose of Nandrolone Decanoate, which is the highest dose ever offered
commercially to consumers.
You can find Normal Hellas manufactured in Greece and Alpha Pharma offers Nandrobolin, among
many other brands.
Deca Durabolin Price
In the United States, a 50 mg ampule of Deca Durabolin for sale is typically sold at a price of $10.
200 mg, which arrives in two ampules, is $30 or higher.
Deca Durabolin is one of the best performance enhancing synthetic anabolic steroids on the
market. Its effectiveness in giving bodybuilders a toned appearance combined with real increases
in strength and muscle mass make this the drug of choice for professional athletes around the
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