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In 1999 Laszlo Barabási mapped the
connectedness of the Web. To his surprise, the
web did not have an even distribution of
connectivity (so-called "random connectivity").
Instead, some network nodes had many more
connections than the average; seeking a
simple categorical label, Barabási called such
highly connected nodes "hubs".
After finding that other networks, including
some social and biological networks, also had
similar node distributions, he coined the term
"scale-free network" in which some nodes act
as "highly connected hubs" (high degree),
although most nodes are of low degree. Scalefree networks' structure and dynamics are
independent of the system's size N, the
number of nodes in a system. In other words, a
network that is scale-free will have the same
properties independent of the number of its
Barabási then offered a simple generative
mechanism called "preferential attachment"
(only physicists get away with this stuff) that
created these non-random networks.
The Human Genetic Disease Network
Kwang-Il Goh1,2,3, Michael E. Cusick2,4, David Valle5,
Barton Childs5, Marc Vidal2,4 & Albert-László
1Center for Complex Network Research and Department of
Physics, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
2Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB) and Department of
Cancer Biology, Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute, and 4Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical
School, 44 Binney St., Boston, MA
02115, USA
3Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea
5Department of Pediatrics and the McKusick-Nathans Institute of
Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA
“To offer a global representation of the
relationship between human diseases and
disease genes, we introduce a network
composed of disorders and disease genes
linked by known disorder-gene associations.
The obtained diseasome map connects most
classes of disorders into a highly interlinked
network, with strong local aggregation of
disorders of similar type.”
“We find that essential human gene products
are likely to be hubs and are expressed
widely in most tissues, suggesting that
disease genes with severe phenotypes might
also play a central role in the interactome. In
contrast we observed that disease genes
display the opposite trend, being localized in
the cellular network’s functional periphery.”
“We predict that gene products associated
with heritable diseases and essential proteins
occupy fundamentally different positions in
the global cellular network. By this model
disease caused by somatic mutations should
not be peripheral, a prediction confirmed for
cancer genes.”
Radial Density Plot of the Diseasome
The center corresponds to genes with high degree, high coexpression, and expressed in many tissues, representing the
functional center o fthe cell, while the regions away from the
center and the three axes represent the functional periphery of the
“There are increasing efforts to understand the
interplay between the environmental and genetic
factors contributing to specific diseases.
Once these efforts result in systematic datasets,
cataloguing the specific environmental, disease
and genetic links, our approach could be expanded
to address the impact of the environment as well.”