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Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Common Infectious Diseases in Children
Hand Foot and Mouth
Rubella/German Measles
What are the symptoms?
What are the Symptoms?
Bacteria or Virus?
What is the real danger with Rubella?
Chicken Pox
Bacteria or Virus?
What are the Symptoms?
What are the symptoms?
How can you treat it?
When would you need to take a child with chicken pox to the
How can you treat it?
Whooping Cough
Bacteria or Virus?
What are the Symptoms?
What are the Symptoms?
Why can it be devastating to Infants?
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Keeping Kids from Getting Sick
What are the most common illness that they see at this doctor’s office?
Can you go to daycare with an ear infection? Why/why not?
Can you go to daycare with a cold? Why/why not?
What is Gastroenteritis?
o Can you go to daycare with Gastroenteritis? Why/why not? No.
How do you protect against spreading disease?
How does a child get Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye?
o Can you go to daycare with Conjunctivitis? Why/why not?
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Common Infectious Diseases in Children
Hand Foot and Mouth
What are the symptoms? Tiny blisters on hands lips tongue and feet
Bacteria or Virus? Virus
Rubella/German Measles
What are the Symptoms? Rash, fever, soreness
What is the real danger with Rubella? Can cause serious birth
defects if contracted during pregnancy.
Chicken Pox
Bacteria or Virus? Virus
What are the symptoms? Tiny red spots and then blisters. Very
itchy. Can get infected
What are the Symptoms? Horrible sore throat, rash, yellowing of
skill, enlargement of liver
When would you need to take a child with chicken pox to the
doctor? If one of the sores appears to be getting infected.
How can you treat it?
How can you treat it?
Whooping Cough
Bacteria or Virus? Bacteria
What are the Symptoms? Cough then gasping lasts up to 3 months.
What are the Symptoms? Fever, Conjunctivitis(sore eyes), sore
throat, runny nose (flu like). White spots in mouth, red spots over
body, breathing difficulty. Can cause inflammation of brain or
Why can it be devastating to Infants?
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Keeping Kids from Getting Sick
What are the most common illness that they see at this doctor’s office? Ear infection and colds
Can you go to daycare with an ear infection? Why/why not? Yes, not infectious
Can you go to daycare with a cold? Why/why not? Contagious. Decision between care provider and parent (if fever no)
What is Gastroenteritis? Vomiting/diarrhea
o Can you go to daycare with Gastroenteritis? Why/why not? No. Very contagious.
How do you protect against spreading disease? Hand washing and sanitizing surfaces.
How does a child get Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye?
o Can you go to daycare with Conjunctivitis? Why/why not? No. Very contagious.