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Introduction: A ship, infested with black rats (Ratus rattus) as many ships are, has
hit a submerged rock and is starting to sink.
While the people have lifeboats to escape onto, and will be rescued by the Coast
Guard, the rats aboard are not so lucky, they have to swim to shore to survive.
There are 4 nearby tropical islands which the rats can reach before they drown or
get eaten by hungry predators, but these rats are not well adapted to survive on
these islands. They do, however, have good senses of hearing, sight, and smell,
and can eat a wide variety of food; not to mention that rats are highly intelligent.
Random mutation and natural selection will allow the rats to evolve into a new
species that is adapted to survival on the island.
Assignment: Knowing what you do now about evolution and Darwin's theory of
natural selection, your job is to design a rat which has adapted to the conditions
of the island you were assigned. Adaptations can be structural (to the body itself),
physiological (to the body processes or proteins and enzymes the body produces),
or behavioral.
Think about the build and anatomy of a normal rat then give your rat the
necessary variations and adaptations to survive the environment of this new
island. Be ready to share your rat and its environment to the class; your
presentation should include the following:
There are 2 parts to this assignment: an individual part and a group part.
Brainstorm ideas with your group and fill out the individual part first.
Individual Part:
1. Complete the chart below that lists: the adaptations of your new rat
species, the type of adaptation (structural, physiological or behavioral)
and the reasons why your rat’s adaptation will help it survive on the island.
You must have at least 2 of each type of adaptation but can add more.
Type of
Benefit for Survival
2. Draw your rat with its adaptations in the box:
3. Analysis Questions:
If a rats third toe on their front left foot gets stuck between 2 boulders and
is torn off, will this trait be passed on to their offspring? Explain
According to Darwin, what size litter (small, medium, large) would be most
beneficial for your rat in order to ensure survival and why?
How long do you think it would for the new species of rats to evolve from
the original rats? Explain.
How did these adaptations come about? (explain in at LEAST 3 sentences)
Group part: (share the workload)
1. Draw your island. It should show all the information from the written
description. Leave room for your rat to be put on the island.
2. Draw your rat (large picture). Be sure your drawing includes all of the
adaptations your group has decided on.
3. When called upon, your group should be able to explain the adaptations of
your new rat species and the benefits to survival of the changes.
Name _____________________________________________________________