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The Renaissance in Italy
What was the Renaissance?
Time of creativity, rebirth and change in many areas (political, social, economic, and
-Biggest change was the way people viewed themselves, and the world
-People were interested in classical learning, especially the culture of Rome
-Supported a feeling of adventure
Italian Beginnings
Renaissance began in Italy in the 1300's
-Reached its height in the 1500's
-Started in Italy because that's were Rome used to be
-Italy's cities survived the Middle Ages
-Wealthy and powerful merchant class In Italy
Florence and the Medicis
-Florence came to symbolize the Italian Renaissance
-Produced many gifted poets, architects, scholars, and scientists like Athens
-1400's, the Medici family of Florence organized a banking business
-Business prospered, the family expanded into wool manufacturing, mining and other
-Best known of the Medici's was Lorenzo (the magnificent)
-Held Florence together during difficult times
-Was a generous patron (financial supporter of the arts
-Intellectual movement based on the study of classical culture
-Believed that education should stimulate a person's creative powers
-Returned to learning the humanities
-Subjects like grammar, history, poetry, and rhetoric
Petrarch (early renaissance humanist)
-assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts
-Brought old poems, and stories back to life
-Wrote a book called sonnets to Laura
Golden Age in the Arts
-Renaissance reached its peak in the arts
-expressions in paintings, sculptures, and architecture
-Popes and other powerful leaders at the time supported the arts
Renaissance Artists
-Learned the technique of perspective
-Art was realistic like the Romans
-Used models to paint/draw
Leonardo Da Vinci born 1452
-Painted the Mona Lisa
-Made sketches of flying machines, and undersea boats before they were even thought of
Many talents like Leonardo (sculptor, painter, etc..)
-Painting blend Christian and classical styles
-Best known works was the School of Athens
Renaissance architects rejected the Gothic style
-Instead adopted column, arches, and domes like the Greeks and Romans
Castilian's Ideal Courtier
-wrote a book The Book of the Courtier
-A courtier should be well-educated, well-mannered who was a master in many fields
-Ideal man was athletic, but not overactive, plays a musical instrument and knows
literature but is not arrogant
-Ideal woman offers balance to the man. She is graceful kind and beautiful
Chapter 14 section 2
The Renaissance Moves North
Artists of the Northern Renaissance
-Northern Renaissance began in Flanders in the 1400's
A German Leonardo
Albrecht Durer traveled to Italy in 1494 to study techniques of Italian artists
-Durer helped to spread Italian Renaissance ideas to his homeland
Flemish Painters
Jan and Hubert van Eyck
-Painted townspeople and religious scenes
-Developed oil paint
Peter Bruegel
-Leading Flemish artist in the 1500's
-Used vibrant colors to portray peasant life
Northern Humanists
-Stressed education and revival of classical learning like Italian humanists
-Emphasized religious themes as well
-Dutch humanist
-Used his knowledge of classical languages to produce a new Greek edition of the New
-Improved a Latin translation of the whole Bible
-Called for reforms in the church
Sir Thomas More
-Used his pen to push for social and economic reform
-In Utopia, he describes an ideal society
-All are educated
-Men and women live in peace
-English poet and playwright
-Wrote 37 plays
-Enriched the English language
-Wrote Don Quixote
-entertaining tale that mocks romantic notions of chivalry
The Printing Revolution
By the 1400's, German engravers developed movable type
-Johann Gutenberg printed a complete Bible using movable type
-Books were cheaper and easier to use
-People gained access to a broad range of knowledge
-Religion started to spread more because people could now read the Bible themselves
Chapter 14 section 3
The Protestant Reformation
Abuses in the Church
-Popes competed with Italian princes for political power
-Fought long wars to protect the Papal States against invasion
-Lived a lavish lifestyle during the Renaissance
-Lorenzo Medici's son Leo X was elected Pope, he said "God gave us the Papacy---Let us
enjoy it!!"
-Patrons of the arts
To pay for such projects, (artwork) the church increased their prices for baptisms, and
-Promoted the sale of indulgences (pardon for sins committed in a person's lifetime)
-Many people life Erasmus were against such practices
Luther's Protest
1517, protest turned into a full scale riot
-Man in charge of revolt was Martin Luther
Martin Luther's life
-Grew up in a middle-class family
-Had a powerful religious experience as a child that changed his life
-Knocked to the ground by lightning
Attack on Indulgences
-1517, a German priest named Johann Tetzel set up a pulpit on the outskirts of
-Sold indulgences to any Christian that gave money to the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome
-Said these indulgences will not only get you into Heaven, but all your dead relatives as
Martin Luther drew up his 95 Theses (list of arguments against indulgences)
-Said indulgences had no place in the Bible
-Pope had no authority to release people from sin
Martin Luther versus the Church
-Luther's 95 Theses were copied and distributed around Europe
-Stirred up a furious debate
-Church tried to pursued Luther to Recant (give up his views)
-1521, the Pope excommunicated Luther
-Luther was viewed as an outlaw
-Had many powerful supporters, that hid him
-Thousands hailed him as a hero
Luther's Teachings
-Salvation could be achieved through faith alone
-Declared Bible was the sole source of religious truth
-Luther rejected the idea that the church had special powers
-Banned indulgences, confession, pilgrimages, and prayers to Saints
Spread of Lutheran Ideas
-People who believed in Luther's teachings were called Protestant
-Many clergy saw Luther's ideas as the answer to corruption in the Roman Catholic
-Some Princes supported Luther b/c it was a way to throw off the church, and the Holy
Roman emperor
The Peasants' Revolt
-Peasants hoped to gain Luther support for social and economic reforms
-1524, a peasant revolt erupted in Germany
-Peasants demanded an end to serfdom
-As the revolt became more violent, Luther denounced it
The Peace of Augsberg
1530's and 1540's Holy Roman Emperor Charles V tried to forced Lutherian Princes
back into the Catholic Church
-Had little success
-Reached an agreement called The Peace of Augsberg
-Allowed each prince to decide which religion (Catholic or Lutheran) would be
followed in his lands
-Most Northern sates chose Luther, Southern states remained Catholic
John Calvin
-Born in France and trained as a priest and a lawyer
-Wrote a book called Institutes of the Christian Religion
-set fourth his religious beliefs
-Provided guidelines on how to start and run a Protestant church
-Like Luther, believed salvation was achieved through faith alone
-God was all powerful, and all people were sinners
Calvin Preached predestination-Idea that God had long ago determined who would gain
-To Calvinists, the world was divided into two groups
1. Saints
2. Sinners
Calvin's Geneva
Set up a theocracy (Government run by church leaders) in Geneva, Switzerland
-Calvinists stressed hard work, discipline, thrift, honesty and morality
-Citizens faced harsh fines or harsh punishment for fighting, swearing, laughing in
church, and dancing
-Closed theaters, and was against elaborate dress
-Many Protestants viewed his community as a model one
Spread of Calvinism
Reformers from all around the world visited Calvin's community and returned to their
home and spread his teachings
-Germany Calvinists faced opposition from Lutherans and Catholics (not accepted in
some areas)
Chapter 14 section 4
Reformation Ideas Spread
Radical Reformers
-Many radical sects started to spring up
-Some groups rejected infant baptism (known as Anabaptists)
-Some sought radical social and economic change
-Some wanted to speed up God's judgement day (by violent means if necessary)
-Many were peaceful
-Called for separation of Church and State
The English Reformation
-King Henry VIII wanted to end papal control over the English church
-Wanted a son, annulled his marriage (cancel) church does not allow divorce
Break with Rome
-Pope refused Henry's request
-Henry was furious, stirred up English feelings against the Pope
-Took over the English Church, through a series of laws
-Act of Supremacy Made Henry "the only supreme head on Earth of the Church of
The Church of England
-Between 1536-1540, Henry shut down all convents and monasteries in England (seized
their lands)
-When Henry died, his 10 year-old son Edward inherited the throne
-Edward was dominated by Protestants that wanted Calvinist reforms
-Violence occurred
-When Edward died in his teens, his half sister Mary Tudor inherited the throne
Elizabeth I Restores Unity to England
-Posed a threat to the Catholic Queen Mary Tudor
-Elizabeth was Protestant and Popular
-Mary learned of a plot against her
-Without any proof, she had Elizabeth Arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London
The Rule of Queen Elizabeth
-When Mary died, she inherited the throne
-Drew up a policy of religious compromise
-Made policies she felt both Catholics and Protestants could agree on
-Monarch was still head of the Anglican church
-Established England as a Protestant nation
The Catholic Reformation
-Leader of this movement was Pope Paul III
-Set out to revive the moral authority of the Catholic church, and roll back Protestant
-To end corruption in the Papacy itself, he appointed reformers to certain positions
Council of Trent 1545
Purpose was to determine what course the Reformation should take
-Reaffirmed traditional Catholic views
-Declared that salvation comes from faith and good works
-Said the Bible was not the only source of Religious truth
-Established harsh penalties for corrupt clergymen
-Created more schools
The Inquisition
-Church court set up to destroy heresies
-Used secret testimony, torture, and execution to stamp out heresy
-Compiled the list of forbidden books (books immoral) Luther and Calvin on this list
The Society of Jesus (Jesuit order)
-Determined to combat heresy and spread Catholic faith
Widespread Persecution
-Inquisition executed many heretics
-Catholic mobs attacked and killed many Protestants
-Protestants persecuted radical sects, and Catholic priests
Witch Hunts
-Those accused of being witches were usually women
-Tens of thousands were executed (1450-1750)
-Close link between magic and heresy
-People became scapegoats
Jews and the Reformation
-Treated fairly well
-Pressured to convert
-1516, Jews in Venice had to live in a ghetto (separate quarter of the city)
-Some were expelled from their land
Chapter 14 section 5
The Scientific Revolution
Changing Views of the World
1543, Polish Scholar Nicolaus Copernicus published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
-Purposed a heliocentric (sun-centered model of the universe)
-Most experts rejected this theory
Tycho Brahe
-Supported Copernicus's views
-Danish astronomer
-Set up an observatory
-Studied the sky for years and recorded movement
Galileo developed the telescope
-Saw the moon, four moons on Jupiter (saw moons revolving around the moon)
-Discoveries caused an uproar
-Scholars attacked him b/c his discoveries conflicted with ancient views
-Church condemned him b/c they taught that the heavens were fixed, unmoving and
1633, Galileo was brought to trial before the inquisition
-Offered a deal
-agreed to publicly state that the Earth stood motionless at the center of the universe
The New Scientific method
-Early 1600's a new approach to Science emerged
-Observation and experimentation (scientific method)
Newton Ties It All Together
Isaac Newton
-By age 24 he developed a theory as to why planets move the way they do
-A single force keeps the planets in their orbits called gravity
-1687, Newton published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
-Linked physics and astronomy