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How Did Evolutionary Thought Evolve? (Figure 13-1)
A. Early Biological Thought Did Not Include the Concept of ________________
(Figure 13-2)
B. Exploration of New Lands Revealed a Staggering Diversity of Life
C. A Few Scientists Speculated That Life Had Evolved
D. ___________ Discoveries Showed That Life Has Changed over Time (Figure
E. Some Scientists Devised ___________________ Explanations for Fossils
F. ________________ Provided Evidence That Earth Is Exceedingly Old
G. Some _____-___________ Biologists Proposed Mechanisms for Evolution
H. ____________ an____________ Proposed a Mechanism of Evolution (Figure
How Does Natural Selection Work?
A. Darwin and Wallace’s Theory Rests on __________ Postulates
B. Postulate 1: Individuals in a ______________ __________ (Figure 13-6)
C. Postulate 2: Traits Are Passed from ____________ to ____________
D. Postulate 3: Some Individuals Fail to Survive and Reproduce
E. Postulate 4: __________________ and ___________________ Are Not
Determined by Chance
F. ______________ _________________ Modifies Populations over Time
How Do We Know That Evolution Has Occurred?
A. ______________ Provide Evidence of Evolutionary Change over Time
(Figure 13-7)
B. __________________ ______________ Gives Evidence of Descent with
1. _________________ structures provide evidence of common ancestry
(Figure 13-8)
2. Functionless structures are _____________ from ancestors (Figure 13-9)
3. Some anatomical similarities result from _____________ in similar
___________________ (Figure 13-10)
C. ___________________ Similarity Suggests Common Ancestry (Figure 13-11)
D. Modern Biochemical and Genetic Analyses Reveal _________________
among _______________ Organisms (Figure 13-12)
What Is the Evidence That Populations Evolve by Natural Selection?
A. Controlled Breeding ______________ _______________ (Figure 13-13)
B. Evolution by _______________ ________________ Occurs Today
1. Brighter ________________ can evolve when fewer ______________ are
present (Figure 13-14)
2. Natural selection can lead to ___________________ resistance
3. __________________ can demonstrate natural selection (Figure 13-15)
4. Selection acts on random variation to favor the ___________________ that
work best in particular environments