Download 1.4.Muscles---Tendons-Exam-and-Answers

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Unit 1: Factors affecting performance
1.4: Muscles and Tendons
The marking criteria for this action;
8 below
Total Marks Out 18
Answer all questions in this section. Write your answers in the spaces provided
1. Name two muscles that form an antagonistic pair and describe how they create movement. (5 marks)
Muscle 1:
Muscle 2:
2. Describe the functions of ligaments and tendons at a joint. (4 marks)
Tendons: 3. Name one muscle that helps create movement at the hip. (1 mark)
4. Describe the movement performed by the deltoid muscles and give an example of their use in a sporting activity. (2 marks)
LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 1.4: Muscles and Tendons
5. A cruciate ligament injury in the knee is an injury occasionally suffered by sports performers. Give three ways that this type of
injury affects a performer’s movement. (3 marks)
6. State one factor that allows muscles to produce movement. (1 mark)
7. Give two examples of activities that show the benefits of fast twitch muscle to a performer. (2 marks)
Always check your answers
LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 1.4: Muscles and Tendons
1. Name two muscles that form an antagonistic pair and describe how they create movement. (5 marks)
Candidates must name both muscles to gain two marks. If a single muscle is named no mark should be awarded.
Examples could be: bicep /tricep OR quadriceps/hamstring
Creation of movement
 muscles can only pull – cannot push  muscles work across the joint  one end is attached to a fixed bone – origin  when the muscle contracts it pulls on the moveable bone – insertion  when one muscle contracts – prime mover or agonist  the other in the pair relaxes – antagonist  the roles reverse when the movement reverses  when the agonist contracts other muscles also contract to support the contraction – synergists
Candidates who give bicep
contracts/tricep relaxes = 1 mark 2. Describe the functions of ligaments and tendons at a joint. (4 marks)
 Attaches muscles to bone  As muscles contract tendon take the strain  The tendon of insertion exerts the pull on the bone  The tendon of origin resists the pull of the muscle  Tendons are springy which allows movement  Tendons store energy Ligaments  Connect bones to bone  Stabilizes the joint  Prevents unwanted movement i.e. rotational movement in the knee  Prevent the dislocation of the joint 3.Name one muscle that helps create movement at the hip. (1 mark)
Gluteals / hamstring / quadriceps
4. Describe the movement performed by the deltoid muscles and give an example of their use in a sporting activity. (2 marks)
 Allows movement of the arm in all directions at the shoulder / raises arm at shoulder / shoulder flexion / abduction
 For example bowling in cricket
1 mark awarded for description and 1 mark for the example
5. A cruciate ligament injury in the knee is an injury occasionally suffered by sports performers. Give three ways that this type of
injury affects a performer’s movement. (3 marks)
 joint movement is reduced / stopped
 limits extension and flexion at the knee
 the ligaments no longer limit the rotational movement of the knee
 the ligaments no longer limit the amount the knee bends
 the ligaments no longer limit the extent to which the knee straightens
 joint lacks stability
 joint not connected
6. State one factor that allows muscles to produce movement. (1 mark)
 movement only occurs when muscles either contract or relax ;
 one end of the muscle is attached to a fixed bone ;
 one end of the muscle attached to a moveable bone ;
 when the muscle contracts it pulls on the moveable bone ;
 muscles work in pairs
 muscles usually work across joints
7. Give two examples of activities that show the benefits of fast twitch muscle to a performer. (2 marks)
 answers accepted that include power or strength activities, e.g. sprinting, power lifting, high jump, etc.
 in a named sport, the situation when fast twitch fibres are a benefit, e.g. cricket – throwing the ball, must be given
LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 1.4: Muscles and Tendons