Download SOS Lesson 6: N n - Speld-sa

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Spelling for Older Students
Lesson 6N n
Created for SPELD SA by Jan Polkinghorne
Words in a sentence
Take it in turns with a friend.
One say a sentence and the other
counts words, then swap.
Sounds in a word
Say the names of these pictures.
Use your fingers to count how many sounds in each word.
NOTE that is sounds not letters.
n-ur-s 3
Click for4
answersn-o-s-t-r-i-l-s 8
Point to the word your teacher sounds
- blend the sounds to make a word.
Click for the
What is the same about all these pictures. Say the words aloud.
They all start with the sound n :- nine, needle, notebook,
Click the box for the answer.
neck, nest, net, nurse, nose, nail, nuts, nostrils.
vowel or consonant
All letters in our alphabet belong to one of two groups
n = consonant
N is a voiced, nasal sound created by vibrating the
vocal cords while pushing air through the nose, or
nasal cavity. Place the tip of your tongue just behind
your teeth as you lower your jaw a bit, leaving a
small gap between your teeth.
Put your fingers on your throat . You can feel movement in the vocal cords.
Say whether these are vowel or consonant:- s a t i p n
We need to know whether a letter is a vowel or consonant to help us apply spelling rules.
Which pictures begin with ‘n’.
Click the box for answers.
needle, neck, nest, net, nurse, nose, nuts, nail
Sort these pictures into those that start with n and those ending with n.
Can you think of others which do to add to your lists?
Start n:- nurse, nail, nest, nuts, needle
Click the box for answers.
End n:- van, win, man, can, lion
What sounds the same about the pictures in each row? Answers next page.
Click to reveal
successive rows.
What sounds the same about the pictures in each row?
All have n in the middle:- tunnel, channel, funnel, spanner, winner
All have ain on the end:- mane, drain, rain, stain, pain
All end with n sound:- plane, pelican, tin or can, ten, pin
All start with n:- needle, nurse, nose, nuts, nail.
How to write the sound ‘n’
Linked script is far better to write than printing. It is faster, easier, more comfortable to
write for long periods and your brain learns the words better if they are linked.
N n net
Complete the requirements for the next screen
before proceeding.
See Instructions.
Remember! Use ears not eyes. Some words have a silent n in them.
Nicola has always wanted to go fishing with her Grandfather. Gramps
has always said, “No, you will make too much noise and scare the fish
away. You can come when you get bigger.” But now she is five, Gramps
has agreed to take her fishing for an afternoon. Gramps sets up his fishing
rod, and they settle down to fish. Nicola sits very still and waits very
quietly. It is very peaceful. Suddenly, they hear a very loud and nasty
noise, “nnnnnnnnn!” A plane flies overhead, “nnnnnnnnn!” The plane
does a noisy loop-the-loop in the sky above them. Gramps doesn’t like the
nasty noise and puts his hands over his ears. Nicola looks at Gramps and
laughs. “You were worried I would make too much noise!” And, with a
swoop and a swirl, she runs up and down on the bank, pretending she is
the plane, “nnnnnnn!”
Tricky Word Revision .
Download Lesson 5 revision PowerPoint
Click and say the words as they appear.
Tricky Words – non phonetic
Click to reveal
the word
Click to reveal
the word
• Slide 2 counting the words in a sentence- if you can’t differentiate words it is very hard to write them.
• Slide 3 counting sounds in a word. The answer is frequently not the same as the number of letters in the word.
• Slide 4 s-t-ai-n, n-ee-d-l, f-u-n-l Aural blending. Blending and segmenting are the basis to synthetic spelling. Some students find this
difficult and will need additional help.
• Slide 5 hearing the initial sound in a word. Finding they all begin with n.
• Slide 6 – knowing vowels and consonants is vital for learning spelling rules. Multisensory learning (feeling the formation of a sound) is
useful for many students. Rule 1: If the short vowel pronunciation doesn’t work to make a word try the long vowel.
• Slide 7 differentiating between words which begin with n and those which don’t. If the graphics give rise to different words then discuss and
modify answers accordingly.
• Slide 8 –differentiating between words which begin with n and those which have n on the end.
• Slide 9- picking a common sound. Initial, final or middle.
• Slide 10 answers to slide 9
• Slide 11- writing N and n and linking to e and t. Handwriting I have used Sego Script because it is freely available on most computers .
Research is now showing that linked script is more ergonomic and helps with retention of spelling. Many prospective employers are
expecting job applications to be handwritten and many exams have to be handwritten. It is still a necessary skill.
• Read the story for ’n’ aloud. Ask each student to keep a tally of how many ‘n’ sounds they hear in the story. Compare results. BEWARE!
WARN STUDENTS some words may have a silent n and ‘ng’ is a slightly different sound . When n follows m on the end of a word it is usually
silent. Hymn, condemn. Mnemonic has mn at the beginning and the m is silent. They need to use ears not eyes.
• Hand each student a copy of the story. Read it aloud again and have students mark each ‘n’ as they go.
• Tricky words. These words are high frequency, often non phonetic and have to be learnt by rote for both spelling and reading. Spell with
alphabet names. Do not sound. Revise words learnt previously before learning the new words. Are is only tricky because of the silent ee
after they have learnt digraph ‘ar’. ‘all’ is a very common grouping and can be linked with similar words like, ball, call, tall, mall etc.