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It aims to find cures for serious illnesses using tissue or cells
from embryos
Concentrates on stem cells and the field of regenerative
medicine (the repair of damaged organs and body parts)
There are ethical issues surrounding embryonic stem cells
as they are removed from early embryos, destroying the
embryo in the process
The law says that no embryo can be used after 14 days
from conception
Embryo research is allowed for the following purposes
To promote advances in fertility treatment
To increase knowledge about the causes of congenital diseases
To increase knowledge about the causes of miscarriage
To develop more effectives techniques of contraception
To develop methods for detecting the presence of gene or
chromosome abnormalities
Genetically engineered crops –
Selecting human genes – “Designer babies”
Testing and genetic screening
The alteration of human genes
Stem cell research
The issues are:
 GM crops threaten the environment through
GM crops could have unknown future health
Effects on the developing world – exploitation of
poor farmers
Concerns about globalisation
GM food cannot be seen as the sole solution to
world hunger
Involves destroying unwanted and unsuitable embryos
If embryos are seen as persons from conception then they
have intrinsic value and dignity – destruction is wrong
BUT, some people argue an embryo is not a person (Peter
If an early embryo is not a person with full rights we don’t
know if it feels pain
There are 2 types:
 Germ line therapy: We take charge of our own
evolution. Could change the whole of humanity.
Could end up being a genetic ‘super race’
 Somatic cell therapy: Altering the disposition of
genes. Diseases involve the interaction of many
genes and the environment, not just caused by
Biblical teaching: God created humans in His
own image and so human life has intrinsic
Depends on when you think life begins
Catholics base their ethics on Natural Law
– positive about medical advances but
never at the expense of human life (which
begins at conception)
Other Christians may take a different view
and follow a Situation Ethics line based on
agape. Actions are good if based on love,
bad if based on selfishness
Basic principle – everything is created for a
purpose. Humans can use reason to work out
the ‘right’ thing to do
Has the primary precept of ‘selfpreservation’. Could be argued this means
‘no embryo research’ (as it destroys a
potential life). Could mean ‘embryo research
OK’ as it preserves life by curing diseases
Basic principle – the greatest good for the
greatest number
Only works if it is actually possible to assess
the results of genetic engineering and
embryo research
Bentham’s Hedonic Calculus can only be
applied to those who suffer (do embryos
Basic principle – universal maxims (the
Categorical Imperative) and treat others as
ends in themselves and living in a kingdom of
Hard to universalise laws about genetic
engineering and embryo research
Kant stresses that we should act out of duty
only – this ignores all consequences