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Collecting, using and keeping
secure all information about
you and your care
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust keeps records about the care that we provide to our
patients at Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea, St Mary’s and Western
Eye hospitals. This leaflet explains how we use your information, who we share it with and how
we protect your confidentiality. If you have any questions about this leaflet please speak to the
patient advice and liaison service (PALS) – see page 4 for details.
What information do we hold about you?
The information that we keep may be on computers and on paper and includes:
personal details such as your name, date of birth, NHS Number, address and next of kin
the name and address of your GP
details of visits to our clinics, A&E, or stays on our wards
care information such as x-rays, test results, symptoms, diagnoses, allergies, treatment,
medications prescribed and sensitivities to medication and on-going care at home
Why do we collect information about you?
The clinical information in our records helps to ensure that:
doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals have accurate and up-to-date
information to assess your health and decide on the most appropriate care
healthcare professionals have the information they need to be able to assess and
improve the quality and type of care we provide for you
appropriate information is available if you see another doctor, or are referred to a
specialist or another part of the NHS
your concerns can be properly investigated if a complaint is raised
we can provide services where they are most needed and plan services for the future
Your personal details help to ensure that we have the correct information about where and how
to contact you. You should always check that your personal details are correct when you
visit us and tell us of any changes as soon as possible.
Who do we share your information with?
We provide details of your clinical care to your GP and, where appropriate, other health and
social care professionals who are supporting your care directly. This is to ensure your continued
healthcare is safe and effective.
Information held about you may be used for research or audit purposes to help improve NHS
care and treatments. Where we do this, we take strict measures to ensure that you cannot be
How do we protect your information?
Your information is protected under the Data Protection Act 1998. We have a legal duty to keep
your information confidential and to maintain the security of the information systems that hold
your data.
As an NHS hospital, we rely on IT systems to support the delivery of patient care. Where these
systems are provided by third parties, patient data may be hosted on computers owned by
these organisations. There are strict rules over what the supplier as the data processor is legally
allowed to do with the data on the instructions of the NHS Trust which is the data controller.
Every member of staff working for an NHS organisation has a legal obligation to keep
information about you confidential. Anyone receiving confidential information about you from us
is also under a legal duty of confidence.
How you can arrange to see your health records
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to see or obtain a copy of your health
records. If you are a patient of this Trust and would like to see your health records, please apply
in writing to the health records manager at:
Access to Health Records, St Mary’s Hospital, Main OPD, Winsland Street, London W2 1NY
You can also apply via our online application form: > patients and visitors
> patient information > my records
Please note that there may be a charge for this service.
As more and more of our records become digital, you may be able to have secure online access
to some of your records. If this is available we will let you know directly or through
communication in our hospitals.
The benefits of sharing your information
There are considerable benefits if you allow your information to be shared:
you won’t have to repeat your health and social care information so often
care professionals will be able to find your information easily when they need to help you
you will be able to avoid unnecessary appointments and tests
You have the right to refuse or withdraw consent to information sharing. Before making this
decision, we would advise you to speak to your GP or hospital doctor to discuss what this will
mean. If you do not want us to continue making information about your care available to other
health and care professionals, please contact the patient advice and liaison service (PALS) –
see page 4 for details.
SMS text messaging
We may ask you to confirm that the Trust has an accurate mobile telephone number for you.
This may be used to provide appointment details via SMS text messages and to remind you of
appointment times.
Contacting you by email
We may invite you to receive letters by secure email or from a secure website instead of by
post. This can be more convenient for patients and makes sure that letters are received more
When providing us with an email address you should consider who else has access to your
email account. If you share an email account with members of your family, they may see the
information that we send you.
Contacting you in the future
We may need to contact you in the future to advise you about new treatments for your condition
or to invite you for a further clinical review. We may also contact you to invite you to take part in
research studies, service evaluation and patient surveys to help improve the healthcare you and
others receive.
Who should I talk to if I have questions or concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns about the information we hold about you or the use of
your information, please either speak to a member of staff or contact the patient advice and
liaison service (PALS) on 020 3313 0088 (Charing Cross, Hammersmith and Queen Charlotte’s
& Chelsea hospitals), or 020 3312 7777 (St Mary’s and Western Eye hospitals). You can also
email PALS at [email protected]. The PALS team will listen to your concerns, suggestions
or queries and are often able to help solve problems on your behalf.
Alternative formats
This leaflet can be provided on request in large print, as a sound recording, in Braille, or in
alternative languages. Please contact the communications team on 020 3312 5592.
We have a free wi-fi service for basic filtered browsing and a premium wi-fi service (requiring
payment) at each of our five hospitals. Look for WiFiSPARK_FREE or WiFiSPARK_PREMIUM
Published: Jan 2017
Review date: Jan 2020
Reference no: 2733
© Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust