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April 5, 2017
 Ever
have a problem you
thought you could solve,
then realized you could
not find the right solution
for it?
 Constantine
moved capital east
(Byzantine Empire); power moved
 West was run by Germans; fell
into Dark Ages
 Justinian ruler of Byzantine Empire
wanted to restore the Roman
 Created
Justinian Code
 Worked to make
Constantinople into a beautiful
◦ High walls, schools, hospitals
 Built
Hagia Sophia (Holy
Wisdom) church
Problems: low on
money, food shortages
Military Problems: always at
war, no loyalty with soldiers
Political/Social Problems:
corruptions, empire too big to
govern, split in Christianity
The Roman Empire decline due to
economic, military, and political
 Diocletian reorganized the empire to
increase efficiency in government
 Constantine unified the empire and
moved its capital to Byzantium, which
he renamed Constantinople
 The
mistakes made by the
Roman emperors remind us
that to retain power and
control, rulers must
successfully deal with many
different problems