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Cartilage is the flexible part of a skeleton babies only have cartilage
instead of bones it has no bloodcells or nerves in it
Bone harder/strong but still flexible
How? Because the calcium and collagen
Collagen makes it flexible and calcium makes it hard/strong
Bone is made out of
-Marrow makes red blood cells
-Spongy bone reduces weight
- Periosteum makes de bone lager in the width and makes new cells
to renew the bone
-Head top of bone
-Neck bottom of the bone
OsteoBLASTS renew broken/damaged bone
OsteoCLATST break down the damaged bone
The place where bones meet is called joint, most joints enable bones
to move. The joints in your head are called sutured
Cartilaginous joints are found between the ribs and breastbone,
hipbones and vertebrae
-Hing joints can move like a door so only 1 directions
-Ball and socket joints can almost move every direction
Pivot joints can turn to right en left
The joints and bones are held together by a strong connective tissue
called ligaments
Are muscles that are attached to bones with the “tendon” you’re able to move
your muscles
Muscles like organs that you can’t control…
Muscle specialist for the heart and only for the heart
Slow twitch = slow but for a long time
Fast twitch = Fast for a short time