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Psychology: What are Sleep Disorders? : Unit III
Grade Level:
Overview- Sleep Disorders are finally getting more attention in the media and by the medical
community. The connection between a parasomnia and other health problems has been proven,
with intervention to resolve the problem often leading to correction of other health impairments.
Sleep disorders can happen during NREM and REM sleep, and can also be genetic.
Do Now:
Do Now: Have you ever walked in your
sleep? How old were you?
Do you know someone who talks in their
sleep? How long after they fall asleep do
they usually do this?
Do you know someone who snores?
Teacher Objectives
SWBAT: Understand Sleep disorders and identify
different types of parasomnias such as: Insomnia:
Narcolepsy : Cataplexy: Restless Leg Syndrome,
Sleep Apnea, Somnambulism, Sleep Talking, and
Explain the symptoms and treatments for each.
View and listen to examples of: Cataplexy, REM
Behavior Disorder, Night Terrors and other sleep
disorders. Read and describe the reasons behind
sleep walking. Analyze whether or not Sleep
Walking or REM Behavior Disorder is a valid alibi in
They Do: Continue to keep track of their
sleeping patterns in sleep journal.
-Read/Answer: Sleep Talking
I do: Notes on Objectives, Inquiry
(check for student understanding)
“What Did We Learn?”
PROJECT: Culmination of Sleep Experiment
SLEEP EXPERIMENT: Thurs. December 2nd.
We do: Discussion , -Read: Rough Night: Sleep Murders?
Prepared By:
L. Korpics 2013-14
Performance Standards Addressed. APA: American
Psychological Association for High School Social Studies. AP
Psychology: College Board.
To understand, identify, describe and explain the different
types of parasomnias and their treatment.
Student Guide
Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person
has episodes of blocked breathing during
sleep Sleep talking is called somniloquy
Sleep talking usually occurs in NREM stage 2
Often about 10 to 20 minutes after falling
Can also occur with some prescription
medication and/or high fever Sleep walking is
called somnambulism
(Som – sleep, ambulate – move)
Often occurs 30 minutes into sleep – at
NREM stage 3
Can also occur due to fever or prescription
Pattern towards genetic…always be aware of
latching doors if you have a child.
Readings: What is Sleep Talking?
Rough Night: Sleep Murders!?
Materials Needed
Text: “Psychology & You