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Classical and Operant
3. When a conditioned response is successfully made to one stimulus but
not to another similar stimulus
6. The type of conditioning that involves learning associations between
two previously unrelated stimuli
7. One major example of a primary reinforcer
10. Skinner expanded this guy's Law of Effect
11. A relatively permanent behavior change due to experience
12. A __ reinforcer is one that strengthens the response it follows by
providing a reward (ex: earn an "a", get a cookie)
13. The process in which you break down a desired behavior into smaller
14. Spontaneous ____ is when a conditioned response comes back after
17. In Watson's experiment, fear of the write rat was the conditioned ____
21. Learning to associate a response (our behavior) and its consequences
(rewards and punishments) so that we repeat those that had good results
and avoid those that had bad results in known as ____ conditioning
22. A ____ stimulus is initially paired with an unconditioned stimulus in
classical conditioning
23. A ___ reinforcer is one that strengthens the behavior it follows by
taking a negative stimulus away (ex: put on the seat belt take away
annoying sound)
24. When you reinforce a behavior after a varying length of time
25. Pavlov experimented on ____
26. The baby conditioned to fear white rats
1. This decreases the behavior that it follows (ex: stay out past curfew;
get grounded)
2. The period of time when the neutral stimulus is being paired with the
unconditioned stimulus
4. In Pavlov's experiment, the food for the dogs was the unconditioned
5. In Pavlov's experiment, the bell became the ___ stimulus
8. One reason physical punishment is not recommended is that it teaches
9. When you reinforce a behavior after a set number of responses (ex: on
your 10th visit you get a free meal)
15. Advertisers attempt to get you to associate positive feelings with
their products in their _____
16. Applied Pavlov's study to humans in the Little Albert experiment
18. Operant conditioning works best when the behavior is not rewarded
every single time. This is called ___ reinforcement.
19. The person who studied operant conditioning
20. Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a ___
25. being able to respond to ___ gratification is one aspect of maturity