Download Ashlee Thomas Workplace Communication Online Comm. 1010

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Ashlee Thomas
Workplace Communication Online
Comm. 1010
May 5th, 2011
Work Environment at RadioShack
a. I work at RadioShack. We sell all kinds of devices and little things you never
knew you needed. Ranging from cell phones to microphones. Chances are if
it’s something that has to do with technology, or fixing that technology it’s a
safe bet to say we’ve got it. I, personally, am a sales associate. My job ranges
from ringing up sales to stocking or unloading inventory. It really just depends
on traffic, need, or opportunity. I use communication on a daily basis.
Customers are in constant need of assistance or guidance which I am paid to
Organizational Culture
a. Dress Code
At RadioShack we are required to wear grey polo’s with RadioShack’s logo
on them. They must be a very particular shade of grey and be buttoned at least
one button. To cover our bottoms we wear non-distressed jeans that are any
shade of blue. While this isn’t the worst work dress code it is a step down
from what the company had previously requested employees to wear. It is my
belief they made this change to make RadioShack employee’s feel more like a
neighbor or a friend to customers, more so than what we actually are.
b. Social Customs
As a large group of sales people we have several social customs,
especially concerning the customer. Take for instance when we greet a
customer, it is always with the same friendly greeting and smile. Well,
and a few other things but that is a RadioShack secret! We also have
customs as employee’s, which are less formal than what we use for the
customers. For example, every day when we arrive for work we clock in,
go over current sales, count the till, and clean the store before opening.
RadioShack is also known for its ability to be social, to interact with its
customers in polite, energetic, and on-key ways. Not to mention with a
small group of people working at each “Shack” it quickly becomes
prominent that it is important and vital for everyone to become friendly.
c. Time
RadioShack has a monochronic view of time. Being timely is very
important. Especially when time is seen as money to the company.
Needless to say time is also money to us employees. If we are on time,
we get the hours we are scheduled for and therefore, get paid our
assumed rate. If we did not view time as important the company would
believe we did not view our job as important. This would result in a
termination from the company.
d. Degree of Structure
RadioShack, like many other businesses is structured on many different
levels and in many different ways. Each store has certain tasks, duties,
and accomplishments within itself. Then, as a district, as a state that
group of stores has goals it needs to accomplish and so on. This process
leads the company to an overall success rate. RadioShack is very
structured to ensure the company is progressing.
e. Achievement Rewards
While I think it would be unprofessional to divulge what rewards I
actually receive as a RadioShack employee, I will say this; RadioShack
is exceptional at providing its employees with ample opportunity and
ability to gain rewards. Not just on occasion, but every day.
Communication Networks-Informal
At RadioShack we are a pretty informal company. While we obviously
show respect for everyone, especially those higher up in rank, it is
important to the company to be and remain friendly on all levels. Even
within the stores it is necessary for RadioShack to maintain a
“Friend/Neighbor” like feel. This aroma in the area creates an
atmosphere customers and employees alike relish in.
Communication Channels-Upward
a. Face-to-face: The quickest and easiest way to communicate with my
manager is by just talking to him. This allows us to understand each
word, expression, and intention with clear, responsive, and immediate
b. Text: Is the second best way to communicate with not only my
manager, but also with other employees. We can quickly send and
receive various types of information with ease, quickness, and
c. Telephone: Is another effective way for RadioShack employees to
communicate. One quick call allows us to relay information quickly,
as with text, except it offers several more in depth opportunities. Such
as; tone, intent, and length of message.
Communication Channels-Downward
a. All of “upward” channels for similar purposes.
b. Monthly meetings: Monthly meetings that often include two or more
stores to meet are imperative to our communication success. Such
meetings enable store associates, managers, and representatives to
communicate easily. Without such meetings, many store locations
would be unable to meet one another and communicate in the informal
technique and RadioShack has established.
c. Internet/Homepage: The RadioShack employee homepage allows all
employees to receive new information regarding sales, updates,
schedules, anything that might be of any relevance to the company. It
is an easy way to communicate with all stores and employees without
the large time consumption such communication often requires.
Communication Channels-Horizontal
a. Face-to-face: Face-to-face is simply the easiest channel for
RadioShack to use. It is because our store is relatively small and the
fact that all of us usually work together every day, that this channel is
so important.
b. Text: This hugely popular way of communication within RadioShack
allows employees to effectively communicate about work related
information as well as personal communication to one another.
c. Telephone: We are constantly using the phone to relay information to
customers and even between ourselves. It is a quick way to both give
information, receive it, and of course being able to hear the tone
doesn’t hurt either!
Conclusion and Recommendations
a. Fact-to-face: Works very well within our company because it allows
employees to communicate in the best, easiest, and most satisfactory
b. Text: While I personally love having the ease of sending a quick
message, I would much rather see employees making a conscious
effort to communicate face-to-face as much as possible.
c. Conclusion: Even though I have only been with the company a short
time, it has been apparent since day one how important
communication and the channels in which we choose to communicate
are. I truly feel like I am blessed to have a job where I enjoy going to
work every day. I know that fact wouldn’t be possible if the ways in
which we communicate were broken, flawed, or inadequate. I hope to
take better note of the new ways we may communicate in the future.