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Essential Skills required for
Effective Communication
within Colleagues, and Teachers
to Partner Relationships
Roseanne Pickering – PIPI 6921
Communication is the Key
• Arnold (2005) ‘The need for effective
communication is universal...effective
communication skills are crucial to your
• “Communication--the human connection--is
the key to personal and career success.” Paul J.
Definition of Communication
World Collins dictionary
1. The act or an instance of communicating;
the imparting or exchange of information,
ideas, or feelings
2. Something communicated, such as a message,
letter, or telephone call.
Synonyms for Communication
Advice, advisement, announcing, articulation,
assertion, communion, connection, contact,
conversation, converse, correspondence,
corresponding, declaration, delivery, disclosing,
dissemination, elucidation, expression,
intelligence, interchange, intercommunication,
link, making known, mention,
notifying, publication, reading, reception,
revelation, talk, talking, telling, transfer,
translating, transmission.
Working as a TEAM
When we communicate and work together as
team we are able to make connection with
each other and row smoothly through tough
and challenging time.
Just a team of rowers learn to row together on
each stroke and figure out ways in which they
communicate we need to do the
same to build a strong hard working team.
Who Do We Communicate With?
Who else is in our team?
• Arnold (2005) identifies our 5 target audience:
Current student and families
• Being the top two– this is where we need to be
focusing as a team to improve communication
between ourselves and with our parents.
• Other people we communicate with:
Future students and families
Keeping Staff Informed
Each of us need to have an overflowing back
pack of information.
We need to have information about the
business, our policies, time tables, birthday,
graduation ceremony's anything parents may
ask about.
We also need to informing each other about
what parents and telling so we are all aware
on the same page.
Ways in which we can communicate
with each other
Notice board
Post it notes
Regular Staff meetings
Before or End of day times
Ask questions
Get positive feedback
Keeping Parents Informed
• Keeping our parents informed and equipped
with the right information this is going to
make our teacher to parents relationship
stronger and making parents feel as though
they can approach us.
• This makes parents feel good. They know what
the parents have missed out on, what there
children needs to improve on, and what things
there children are great at.
Ways in which we can communicate
with parents and families
Sending pictures through to their phones
News board
Pocket messages
Parents and Teacher Meetings
Can you relate any of these pictures
to communication and team work??
Meeting Other Peoples Needs
• Rodd (1994) writes ‘sophisticated and complex
skills are required to deal with he variety of
situations which present themselves when the
job involves working with people’
• Over the next few slides I am going to identify
with some of these skills Rodd is referring to in
the means to meet our own and others’
Active Listening
"Effective communications starts with
listening." Robert Gately
Johnson says that we should ‘direct our
attention and energy to listening to the
meaning behind what the speaker is saying
• Larry King
I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say
this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going
to learn, I must do it by listening.
• Turkish Proverb
If speaking is silver, then listening is gold
Sending Accurate and
Unambiguous Messages
• Messages can be interoperated in many
different ways when we are talking whether
its to the children, the parents or each other
we need to make sure our messages are clear,
broken down and the receiver understands
our intentions of the conversation.
• People often hear what they want to hear, so
it is important to cheek that the receiver
understands the conversation.
Appropriate Responding
• Our responses can only be appropriate is we are
listening to those we are talking to. We need to
understand what is been said to make sure we
are giving the right response.
• We need to remember often we are the first port
of call for parents and sometimes even staff. We
need to make sure we are being supportive and
think about the messages we are conveying.
• Rogers (1961) talks about five response types.
Managing feelings
• Its important that we manage how we are
feeling and what parents and children are
• Conflict often rises from peoples feelings, we
need to be taking the time to manage how we
are feeling and if there is a concern we need
to take it up with each other by talking about
it and resolving any conflict or questions.
Communicating your stress levels
• It is important that when there are things
happening outside the work gate that you
communicate with the boss that you are going
through a hard time and your stress levels
maybe a little higher.
‘Stress levels determine our effectiveness in
both our personal and professional life. Too
much stress tends to produce irrational
problems within the workplace.’ (Rodd, 1994)
Time management
• Many miscommunication can often happen
from the lack of time.
• Watching how long we are taking to talking to
• We need to be managing time so we are
spending time where it is needed. We have
specific time for teachers to talk and time off
the floor to plan and catch up etc.
Power of Words
• Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the
tongue of the wise brings healing (Proverbs
To Remind You