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Eukaryotic Cell Organelles
Structure & Function
It’s a small, small,
The Big Picture
All Different Shapes and
Eukaryotic cells are everywhere!
Comprised of the cell organelles
Semi-fluid: 70-90% water
Found all over the cell
 Contained by the cell membrane
Site of protein synthesis
 Can either be free in cytoplasm or
attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Makes and transports proteins
 Covered with ribosomes (therefore rough
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Numerous functions including synthesis
of lipids and steroids
 Lacks ribosomes
Golgi Apparatus
Consists of closely layered stacks of
 Modifies, stores, and ships products of
the Endoplasmic reticulum (proteins)
Digestive organelle in eukaryotic cells
 Defend a cell from invading bacteria and
viruses and break down damaged or
worn out cell parts
Found in animal cells  Involved in cell
 Composed of
 Used to pull
chromosomes apart
Central Vacuole
A fluid filled sac used for storage of
materials needed by the cell
 Helps with cellular digestion
 In plant cells the vacuole usually stores
water and ions that are needed in the
Cell Wall
Found in plant cells
 Provides protection
for plant cells
 Helps maintain cell
“The Colorful” Chloroplast
Found in plant cells
(not animal)
Allows plants to
produce food through
the process of
“The Colorful” Chloroplast
Contains the pigment chlorophyll
This is what gives plants their green color
Contains a double membrane
“The Mighty” Mitochondria
Supply ENERGY to
the cell
They are bean
shaped and have two
“The Mighty” Mitochondria
Purpose of these two
membranes is for an
increased surface area.
This helps in the
production of ATP
Mitochondria have their
own ribosomes and
Cell Membrane
Cells of all organisms are surrounded by
a cell membrane. It is a thin layer of lipid
and protein that separates the cells
contents from its environment
Cell Membrane
Function: Controls what enters and exits
the cell (the gatekeeper)
Contains most of the
cell’s genetic material
Control center for the cell
Surrounded by a double
membrane called an
nuclear envelope
Contains a nucleolus: a
specialized organelle in
the nucleus of cells; the
site of ribosome
Fibers that provide structural support for
the cell
 Helps the cell move