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Lesson 3
The Renaissance Spreads
Geography The ideas of the Italian Renaissance spread to northern
Culture The Northern Renaissance produced its share of significant
art, literature, and learning.
Science and Technology The invention of the printing press helped
to spread Renaissance ideas throughout Europe.
The Renaissance Moves North
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What factors helped the Renaissance spread north?
Growth of Cities
• Expanded trade, growth of cities spread Renaissance across Europe
• Growing wealthy merchant class eager to support artists
Role of Monarchs
• Unified governments of England, France supported the arts with money
- many rulers viewed artistic achievement as source of national pride
Cultural Interaction
• In late 1400s, artists fled war in Italy; moved to northern Europe
- Italian, northern European artists interacted; shared ideas, styles
How did northern European monarchs encourage the Renaissance?
Chapter 13: The Renaissance
World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times 1
Northern Artists and Writers
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did the Northern and Italian Renaissance
Northern and Italian Renaissance Differ
• Northern scholars did not study classics as Italians did
• Northern painters much more detailed in depiction of everyday life
German and Flemish Painters
• Germanyʼs Albrecht Dürer created detailed woodcuts, paintings
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was one of his most famous works
• Jan Van Eyck was Flemish painter whose work contained minute details
• Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder depicted everyday life
Northern Writers
• William Shakespeare—most famous northern Renaissance writer
- born 1564 in England; became renowned playwright in the 1580s
- his plays show great understanding of human nature, history
- Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet are plays often performed today
The Elizabethan Age
• Elizabethan Age—period in England led by Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
• Queen was educated, wrote poetry, supported artists like Shakespeare
What qualities did the paintings of many northern artists have?
Chapter 13: The Renaissance
World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times 2
Advances in Science and Technology
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What Renaissance advances occurred outside
the arts?
Math and Science
• Renaissance scholars began using letters in algebraic equations
• Scientists put forth new theories about the universe and the Earth
• Advances also occurred in fields of anatomy and cartography
The Printing Press
• Johann Gutenberg—inventor of the printing press; printed Bible in 1455
- printing press—machine that pressed paper against inked movable type
- allowed printers to produce numerous copies more quickly, easily
The Impact of Printing
• Printing press had a tremendous impact on European society
- books became widespread and cheap; more people learned to read
- Renaissance ideas spread more rapidly across Europe
• Writers wrote in the vernacular—native language—rather than Latin
• Mass printing of Bible allowed people to interpret text themselves
What effects did the printing press have on European society?
Lesson Summary
• The growth of cities and the support of monarchs contributed to the spread of
Renaissance ideas.
• The Northern Renaissance produced many great artists, writers, and scholars.
• Printing and the use of the vernacular helped to spread Renaissance ideas and
increase learning.
Why It Matters Now . . .
Printing is used everywhere in todayʼs world, including in books, Web sites, and
Chapter 13: The Renaissance
World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times 3