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Your look into the most glorious empire ever!
Rome, Roman Empire
Emergency News Alert!
By: Thoedocassus Merv
It seems as if now both of the
Gracchus brothers have been
murdered. Only 12 years after the
death of his brother Tiberius, Gaius
was found dead, beaten to death by
the Senate.
Tiberius died at the age of 30. He
was an excellent and eloquent
reformer in his life, but none more so
than when he was elected Tribune in
133 B.C. Tiberius was killed when he
was attempting to get more land for
the Plebeians. When Attalus of
Pergamum died, his land was up for
grabs. Tiberius saw it as an
opportunity to give something back to
the Plebeians… but Marcus Octavius
had other plans for it. During a Senate
rally in 133, Marcus killed Tiberius
and so, also killed off any chances of
that land going to any Plebeians.
Now today, after a Senate rally, Gaius
has now been pronounced dead.
Gaius, who was 33, was like his
brother in the sense that he wanted to
give back to the Plebeians. He,
however, was far less eloquent and
was much fierier, while Tiberius was
quite reserved. Gaius, was also
Tribune, but was elected in 123 and
122 B.C. He wanted to continue to
strive for what his brother died trying
to achieve. He too wanted more rights
for Plebeians and went so far to get
them, but died trying.
He was surrounded by the Senate
earlier today and was stabbed and
beaten to death. The brothers did,
however, succeed in a way as many
reforms have been proposed and a lot
of good will come from the work of
these two brothers in years to come.
They will always be remembered for
their amazing reform work and the
differences in their styles of public
Title: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Rome VOL. 3
speaking, as well as for the inner
connection they had in their goals in
Title: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Rome VOL. 3