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Name: _______KEY ________________ Date: ______________________
Evolution Study Guide
1. Define Evolution: Change in species over a long period of time
Common Descent: Modern species have evolved from earlier, different species and
share a common ancestor. All living things are related.
2. Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection. Define Natural Selection: Organisms with good
adaptations will survive, reproduce and pass that trait on to their offspring.
a. Variations: Differences in traits among a species
New Variations come from _______Mutations_______ and _____Sexual Reproduction
_(Genetic recombination)_______________.
No variations = No evolution or natural selection because there is nothing to select.
Species with no variations are the first to die when the environment changes. More
variations within a species the increase chance the species has to survive if the
environment changes.
b. Overproduction: too many offspring are born that can survive
c. Competition for limited resources: There are only so many resources so organisms
must compete for them in order to survive
d. Adaptations: Trait that allows an organism to survive in the environment.
e. Survival and reproduction of the fittest: Organism that have the best adaptation for
the environment will survive and reproduce.
f. Selecting Agent: Chooses which trait is better in an organism. This is always the
3. Evidence of Evolution:
a. Direct Observation: Bacteria evolving resistance to antibiotics or insects becoming
resistant to pesticides.
b. Fossil Records
c. Comparative Studies
 Comparative anatomy: Compare physical structures of different species
 Comparative DNA: look at number of differences between DNA
 Embryology: Looking at embryos of various organisms
 Vestigial Structures: Structures that species have but no longer have a
function. Such as the appendix, male nipples, whale hip bones.
What is the best evidence of evolution? _______DNA_____________
Review Topics included on the test:
Genetic Engineering: Taking a gene out of one organism and putting it into another
Examples of genetic engineering: Making human insulin by putting the gene for human
insulin into a bacteria.
Selective Breeding: Humans choose two individuals with good traits and breed them to
make offspring with the desirable traits.
Examples of Selective Breeding: Race horses, Dogs were selectively breed from wolves.