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Unit 5 Vocabulary: Change
Gradualism: The theory that evolution
occurs slowly but steadily.
Biodiversity: The number of different
species in an area.
Adaptation: A trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce.
Variation: Any difference between individuals of the same species.
Natural Selection: A process by which individuals that are better
adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
than other members of the same species are.
Species: A group of organisms that are physically similar, can mate
with each other, and can produce offspring that can also mate.
Evolution: The gradual change of a species over time.
Artificial Selection (Selective Breeding): The process where humans
breed organisms for particular traits.
Genetic engineering: The process of manually adding new DNA to an
organism. The goal is to add one or more new traits that are not
already found in that organism.
Mutation: Any change in a gene or chromosome.
*Punctuated Equilibrium: