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Cellular Biology: The Cell Theory
 Cell theory was developed by many scientists sharing their discoveries
 Zacharias-1650..
 Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek- 1670
o Discovered animalcules
 Robert Hooke- 1660- coined the term cell
 Henri Dutrochet- 1820- parts of organisms are composed of cells
 Robert Brown- 1830 – discovered the cell nucleus
 Felix Dujarin- 1835- Described cells as full or jelly- like fluid (cytoplasm
 People creditied for discovering the cell theory
o Mathias Schleiden- 1838- german botanist that concluded that all
plants and plant parts are composed of cells
o Theodore Schwann- 1838- german zoologist who concluded all
animals and animal parts are composed of cells
o Rudolph Virchow- 1858- german physician who concluded all cells
must come from other cells
o 1. All living things are composed of cells
o Cells are the basic unit of life
o All cells come from pre- existing cells
 Related Discoveries:
o Cytoplasm- (1835) – jelly- like substance that is within a cell (it is not
full or empty space)
o Within the cytoplasm there are small membrane bound organelles
that perform specific functions within a cell
 Two types of cells are identified. They were termed Prokaryotic and