Download Stock Companies, Columbian Exchange, And Explorers

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Majde Al Salibi
Athena Ascione
Courtney Hadnett
Period 3
- term used to describe close government
control of the economy that sought to
maximize exports and accumulate as much
goods as possible to enable the state to
defend its economic and political interests
 Encouraged colonialism, where the colonies
worked for the interest of the home country
- the extension of a nations authority over
other nations through conquest or political/
economic hegemony
(Ex: British stock companies in India)
 The
cross-continental flow of goods, also
known as the transatlantic trade
 Trade between Europe, North America and
the Indies
 Introduction
of new plants, animals and
diseases into the New World
 Killed Native Americans who lacked immunity
from the new diseases
 Promoted slavery
- more than 9 million slaves were transported
to Europe
- “seasoning” was used to prepare slaves and
hide any imperfections (such as scars from
 Ottoman
banned use of white
 Portugal: least legal
 Spain: slaves
protected by the
Catholic Church
 England and France:
slave code gave
limited protections to
The transatlantic slave trade was
between the “Old World” to the
“New World” in order to supply
cheap labor.
 Slaves were treated poorly on the
slave ships as they were stacked up
and many attempted to commit
suicide due to very poor hygiene
issues and starvation.
 Up to one third of slaves did not
survive the slave trade due to scurvy,
a dieses easily contracted from
 Factories
that were originally formed to
pursue trade in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries
 France and Britain fought over trade in India
Main Stock Companies:
 East India Company (British)
 French East India Company
 Dutch East India Company
 London,
England: financial center of the world
in the 18th century
 British ruled large areas of India
 Traded cotton, silk, tea and opium, indigo dye
with East and Southeast India and Asia
 Opium sales to Asia promoted the Opium Wars
in 1839 – 1842 between China and England
 Dissolved in 1874 due to the East India Stock
Dividend Redemption Act
 Created
by the finance minister Jean-Baptist
Colbert under Louis XVI to expand France’s
overseas empire
 Sought to trade in the Eastern Hemisphere
 Organized to compete with the British and
Dutch East India Companies
 Met limited success as a result of excessive
government control
 Sought
to colonize in Asia
 1st multinational company in the world and
the first company to issue stock
 Faced corruption and bankruptcy in 1800
 The Dutch Batavian Republic were forced to
pay off the debt after the company dissolved
 Portugal:
leader in exploration
 Spain and Italy other patrons of exploration
 In
1513, Leon discovered Florida
 First governor of Puerto Rico
 In
1513 he made his way across Panama to
the Pacific ocean, naming it the South Sea
 The first European to lead an exploration
that reached the Pacific
 Participated
in the capture of
the North African port from the
Muslims in 1415
 Sponsored a navigational school
in Lisbon and a series of other
explorations to develop trade
with Africa and find a route to
 In 1416,Henry discovered the
Cape Varde (the center of sugar
 In
1488, the Portuguese captain,
founded the Cape of Good Hope
at the tip of Africa
 Dias was a night of the Royal
court, super attendant of the
royal warehouses, and the Sailing
master of the man-of-war
 King John II of Portugal appointed
him head of expeditions to find a
trading route to India
 In
1498 he reached the coast
of India
 Also routed the Cape of Good
 In 1492, King John II of
Portugal sent Gama to the port
of Setubal, south of Libson and
to the Algarve to seize French
ships in retaliation for
peacetime depredations
against Portugal shipping.
Sponsored by Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, he tried to find
an Atlantic route to the East
 In 1492, Columbus landed in East Bahamas, which he insisted
to be Asia
 In his explorations he encountered Native Americans, that he
named “Indians”
-Explaining them as people that “never say no”
 Later landed on the Americas,
 In
1519, Magellan set out to
circumnavigate the globe
 Goal was to find an allusive route
west of the sea to find Asia
 Proved that the territory found by
Columbus was not part of the Far
East but rather an entirely
unknown continent
 He too sailed around the Cape of
 In
1519, he landed on the coast of Mexico
-Being faced with Montezuma’s Aztec Empire
(militaristic state)
 In 1521, Cortes declared the former Aztec
Empire to be the New Spain
 In
1531, the Spanish soldier set out
for Peru, destroying the Inca
Empire (first attempt to take Peru
was a failure)