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- the rule of the generals continued, characterized in the late
Republic by loyalty to army commanders such as: Marius, Sulla,
Pompey and Julius Caesar
- led to factional strife as people supported one general or another
- also, the success of the Roman army and navy created certain
1. captives were brought home as slaves, creating a slave based
2. grain from conquered lands sold in Rome for cheaper prices than
home grown
3. in consequence small farmers went out of business
4. large land owners set up large farms called “ __________________”
meaning wide farm
-labor for these was provided by the slaves from conquered territories
- slave pop’n during the Empire went from 40,000 to 250,000
- this forced small farmers and unskilled laborers into the city where
they became part of a new population milling about Rome called
“ ___________________________”, who in turn had to be
entertained by the gov’t ( “
“) in
order to prevent a revolution
- the lives of slaves in Rome varied according to the jobs they held,
the worst jobs were said to be:
1. ___________________________ on Roman galleys
2. ___________________________ in salt mines or quarries
- the best physical specimens were trained as
_____________________ to fight to the death in public spectacles
for the entertainment of the mob
- life span of a gladiator was months not years, in fact the average life
span was: ___________________________________
- a Thracian slave taken from the salt mines and trained as a gladiator
at Capua (HUGE training school)
- resented being forced to kill for the enjoyment of others and with
____________ other gladiators broke free and began a war against
- they armed themselves and fled to the hills
- they plundered the country side as they went and picked up many
more slaves along the way
- they attracted _________________ as well as refugee slaves till their
numbers reached _____________________________
- they devised plan after plan under the leadership of Spartacus, one
was to escape Rome through the _____________ the other was to
escape by way of the ______________________ aboard pirate ships
- they were betrayed by pirates, whom Crassus paid off and were left
vulnerable at the Southern tip of Italy at Brindisium
- highly successful, defeating several Roman armies
- eventually defeated by Marcus Lucinius Crassus, Gnaeus Pompeius
(Pompey) arrived late but managed to kill any escaping slaves
- thus the revolt was crushed and Spartacus was killed on the
- 6,000 slaves were captured from Spartacus’ army and were crucified
along the road from ___________________ to ________________,
as an example to all slaves never to revolt