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Overuse Injuries
The Sports Medicine Core Curriculum Lecture Series
Sponsored by an ACEP Section Grant
Author(s): Moira Davenport, MD and
Jolie C. Holschen MD FACEP
Editor: Jolie C. Holschen, MD FACEP
The Basics
Incidence: 30-50 % all sports injuries
Sport Specific
Age specific
Gender specific: Controversial
Arendt vs. DeHaven
Herring, SA et al. Introduction to Overuse Injuries. Clin Sports Med. 1987:6(2):225-232.
Arendt EA. Common musculoskeletal injuries in women. Phys Sportsmed. 1996:24(7):39-48.
DeHaven KE et al. Athletic Injuries: comparison by age, sport and gender. Am J Sports Med. 1986:14(3):218-224.
Risk Factors
Muscle imbalance
Muscle weakness
Training errors
Equipment errors
Sports acquired deficiency
Management Principles
Make a pathoanatomic diagnosis
Control inflammation
Promote healing
Increase fitness
Control abuse
O’Connor FG et al. Five Step Treatment of Overuse Injuries Phys Sportsmed. 1992:20(10):128-142.
Assessing pain: Nirschl Pain Scale
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Phase 5:
Phase 6:
Phase 7:
Sore after activity
Mildly sore before activity
Moderately sore before activity
More intense pain than phase 3
Significant pain during and after activity
Pain at rest and with activities of daily living
Pain disrupts sleep
O’Connor FG et al. Five Step Treatment of Overuse Injuries Phys Sportsmed. 1992:20(10):128-142
Pediatric Specific Concerns
35 million U.S. children play organized sports
Incidence: 49.5 % of all pediatric sports injuries
No gender differences
Sport specific differences
Landry GL. Sports injuries in childhood. Pediatr Ann. 1992:7(1):32-41
Stanitiski CL. Common injuries in pre-adolescent and adolescent athletes: recommendations for prevention.
Sports Med. 1993:20(3):63-9.
Watkins, J et al. Sports Injuries in Children and Adolescents Treated at a Sports Injury Clinic.
J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1996:36(1):43-8.
Baxter-Jones A et al. Low injury rates in elite athletes. Arch Dis Child. 1993:68(1): 130-132
Pediatric Specific Concerns
Long Bone Growth
Bones grow faster than muscles and tendons
Weak relative to tendon
Poor flexibility
Increased traction during growth spurts
Highest susceptibility at knee, ankle and elbow
DiFiori JP Overuse Injuries in Children and Adolescents. Phys Sportsmed. 1997:27 (1)
Lateral Epicondylitis
Misnomer = tennis elbow
Common extensor tendinosis
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Long extensor of extensor digitorum communis tendon
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Lateral Epicondylitis
Prolonged use of wrist extensors
Sustained gripping
Impact forces from repetitive striking
Change in activity or equipment
Racquet sports: grip, grip size, string tension, racquet stiffness,
bad strokes, off-center hits
Rotator cuff weakness
Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral elbow pain
Resolves after warmup
Stiffness after play
Progresses to pain at rest
Physical Exam
Point tenderness over/just distal to lateral epicondyle and/or
Pain with resisted wrist or finger extension
Lateral Epicondylitis
“Relative rest”
Tennis elbow forearm band
Corticosteroid injections
Volar splint
Operative intervention
Stahls, S and kaufman T. The Efficacy of an injection of Steroids for Medial Epicondylitis.
J Bone and Joint Surg 79A:n0v 97: 259-278
Medial Epicondylitis
Misnomer = Golfer’s elbow
Common flexor tendinosis
Flexor pronator mass
– Flexor carpi ulnaris
– Palmaris longis
– Flexor carpi radialis
– Pronator teres
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Medial Epicondylitis
Medial elbow pain and/or pain over the flexor mass
Physical Exam
Point tenderness distal to medial epicondyle
Pain with resisted wrist flexion
Medial Epicondylitis
“Relative rest”
Corticosteroid/ anesthetic injections
Physical therapy
Medial Elbow Stress
Delivery Stages in Baseball Pitching:
Wind up, Stride, Arm Cocking, Arm Acceleration,
Arm Deceleration, and Follow Through
Mechanism of Excess Stress
Marked valgus force during throwing motion
Repetitive bone vs bone trauma can cause
ligament attenuation or loose bodies
Sidearm delivery
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear
SurgeryÆ ‘Tommy John’
Reconstruction of medial
collateral ligament using
palmaris longus graft
Little League Elbow
AKA: medial epicondylar apophysitis
Too much throwing!!!
Poor mechanics
Inflammation of epiphyseal growth plates at medial apophysis
Pain at medial elbow
Pain, “pulling” or “popping” with throwing
Tenderness along medial epicondyle
Little League Elbow
Physical Exam
Tenderness along medial epicondyle
Difficulty extending elbow
Reproducible pain with valgus stress
+/- Positive Tinel’s test
Whiteside, JA et al. Elbow Injuries in Young Baseball Players. Phys Sportsmed. 1999:27(6)
Little League Elbow
Diagnostic Tests
Depend upon severity of symptoms
Avulsion fracture of medial epicondyle
Capitellum - osteochondritis from lateral compartment loading
+/- Loose bodies
Bone Scan
Little League Elbow
Stop throwing
“Real” Rest!!!
Surgery if epiphysis is avulsed
Little League Elbow: Prevention
Limit type of pitches
Limit number of pitches
Lyman et al:
Prospective cohort
476 male pitchers, ages 9-14
Slider has 86 % increased risk
elbow pain
Iwase T et al:
Prospective cohort
153 male pitchers, ages 11-13
Incidence of elbow pain
increases with increasing
number of pitches thrown
Lyman S et al. Effect of Pitch, Type, Pitch Count and Pitching Mechanics on Risk of Elbow and Shoulder pain
in Youth Baseball Pitchers. Am J Sports Med. 30(4):463-8.2002
Iwase T et al. Baseball Elbow of Young Players. Tokushima J Esp Med. 1985(2)57-64 CURRENT LITTLE LEAGUE PITCH RULES
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Mechanism: Repetitive overhead activities leading to
strains, tendinitis, tendinosis, and even degenerative tearing
Fraying of tissues
Typically supraspinatus, infraspinatus
Baseball, tennis, volleyball, swimming
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Pain related to activity, especially overhead activity
Pain not well localized
Pain often referred to lateral aspect of upper arm
Progression of symptoms to pain at rest
Decreased range of motion (due to pain, passive motion intact)
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Physical exam
Point tenderness
• greater tuberosity
• lesser tuberosity
Manual muscle testing
• weakness
• reproduce symptoms
Impingement sign
Impingement test
Wolin, PW and Tarbet, JA. Rotator Cuff Injuries.
Phys Sportsmed. 1997:25(6)
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Plain X-Ray
High Riding Humeral Head
Greater Tuberosity cystic change
• Full thickness tear: 100% sensitivity, 95% specificity
• Partial thickness tear: 82% sensitivity, 85% specificity
Iannotti, JP et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder: sensitivity, specificity and predictive value.
J Bone Joint Surg (Am). 1991:73(1):17-29
Rotator Cuff Injuries
“Relative rest”
Physical therapy/strengthening
Sport specific adaptations (e.g. swim stroke, throwing)
Corticosteroid injections
Swimmer’s shoulder
73% college swimmers with current shoulder pain or
history of
Average 5,000-10,000 meters per day (75-90 % freestyle)
Increased risk of injury with butterfly
McMaster, WC and Troup, J. A surey of interferring shoulder pain in US competitive swimmers
Am J Sports Med 1993:21(1):67-70.
Greipp JF. Swimmer’s shoulder: the influence of flexibility and strength training.
Phys Sportsmed. 1985:13(8):92-105.
Swimmer’s shoulder
Risk factors
Pulling too far to midline (underwater)
Breathing to one side only
Shoulder laxity
Muscle imbalance
Decreased flexibility
Same as general rotator cuff disorders
Stroke variety
General strengthening
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Incidence: 12 % running overuse injuries
Mechanism: Friction as ITB slides over lateral femoral condyle
Maximum friction immediately after foot strike
(knee flexed to 30 degrees)
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Risk Factors
Inexperienced runners
Track running
Weak knee flexion/extension
Hip adductor weakness
Excess pronation: Controversial
• James SL vs. Barber FA et al
James SL. Running Injuries to the Knee. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 1995:3(6):309-18
Barber FA et al. Iliotibial Band Syndrome. Sports Med. 199214(2):144-8
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Sharp, burning pain along lateral aspect of leg/knee
Symptoms start after certain time/distance
Chronic: pain at rest, especially walking up stairs
Physical exam
Tenderness over distal ITB
Ober’s test
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Acute Treatment
Activity modification
Subacute Treatment
• iliopsoas
• gastrocnemius/soleus
• rectus femoris
Gradual return to activity
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Runner’s knee
Chondromalacia patellae
Patellar subluxation
Quadriceps insufficiency
Patellar compression syndrome
Anterior knee pain
Activity related increase in pain
Increased pain after hills, stairs
Positive theater sign
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Physical Exam
Hip exam
Q angle
General alignment/symmetry
Hindfoot pronation
Tubercule sulcus angle
Patellar tracking
Range of motion
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Merchant’s view
Patellar tilt
Quadriceps strengthening
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Traction apophysitis due to chronic avulsion of patellar tendon
at distal insertion on tibial tuberosity
Common after growth spurt
Bilateral in 20-30 % patients
Incidence: 21 % athletes, 4.5 % general population
Kujola UM et al. Osgood Schlatter’s disease in adolescent athletes: retrospective study of incidence
and duration. Am J Sports Med. 1985:13(3):226-241.
Mital MA et al. The so-called unresolved Osgood Schlatter’s lesion. J Bone Joint Surg. 1980:62A:732-740.
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Physical exam
Pain and edema over proximal tibia
Hypersensitivity over tibial tuberosity
Tenderness to palpation
Increased prominence of tibial tuberosity
Pain with resisted extension
Plain X-rays
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Hamstring stretching
Quadriceps strengthening
(rarely) Removal of ossicle
Sinding Larsen Johansson
Inflamatory reaction of the patellar tendon origin
Caused by repetitive stress
Age = 10-14
Boy > girls
Painful, swollen inferior patella
Worse with activity, improves with rest
Plantar Fasciitis
10 % runners
Basketball, tennis, soccer, gymnastics
Risk Factors
Improper footwear
Excess pronation
Decreased strength/flexibility
Uneven surfaces
Rapid increase in training
Plantar Fasciitis
Pain at insertion site on calcaneus or along medial border
Heel pain with foot strike often worse upon waking,
resolves with activity
Physical exam
Rule out Achilles pathology (70 % patients with
unilateral symptoms have tight heel cord)
Tender to palpation
Reproducible pain with dorsiflexion/standing on toes
Plantar Fasciitis
Night splints- bracing: controversial
Corticosteroids of little benefit
Orthopedic referral for chronic cases
Batt ME et al Plantar Fasciitis: a prospective random clinical trial of the tension night splint.
Clin J Sports Med. 1996:6(3):158-162
Probe RA. Night Splint Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis. Clin Orthop. 1999:368(Nov)190-5
Crawford F et al. Steroid Injection for heel pain. Rheumatology (Oxford) 1999:38(10):974-77
Exertional Compartment Syndrome
Pain free at rest
Pain in calf muscles during activity
Predictable onset of pain
– i.e. mileage or time
Tense muscle compartments after exercise
Paresthesias fit nerve distribution of compartment affected
(e.g. deep peroneal n.- anterior compartment;
posterior tibial n.-deep posterior compartment)
Normal neurological exam at rest
Compartment Pressure Testing pre/post exercise
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
AKA Shin splints
3 Theories
Soleus fascial inflammation at insertion on posterior medial tibia
Periosteum inflammation under tibialis posterior
Periosteal mediated chronic bone remodeling
10-15 % all running injuries
60 % all exercise related leg pain
Clanton D et al. Chronic Leg Pain in the Athlete. Clin Sports Med. 1994:13(4):743-59
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Dull pain in middle/distal 1/3 tibia
Pain at beginning of activity, decreases during activity,
alleviated by rest (initially)
Tenderness over entire distal posteromedial border of tibia
No neurovascular deficits
Change surfaces
Heat before activity, ice after
Repetitive Stress
Complete Fracture
Significance of Stress Fractures
Common problem
Delay in diagnosis (months)
Misdiagnosis (bursitis, tendinitis, etc)
High risk stress fractures untreated or with
delayed diagnosis have poor outcomes
Stress Fractures-Risk Factors
Abnormal lower limb alignment
Leg length discrepancies
Conditioning, Muscle fatigue
Eating disorders
Training surface
Low bone mineral density
Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency
Metabolic bone disease
Hormone deficiency (amenorrhea)
Nutrition- low BMI, caloric deficiency
Collagen abnormalities
Vascular supply (location in bone)
*Training errors (increase intensity or mileage >10% per week, no rest periods)
*22% of stress fx from training errors. Matheson et al 1987 AJSM
**Stress fx patients unconditioned-both and . Beck et al 2000 Bone.
Stress Fractures
21 % runners
1.9 % all sports
31 % military recruits
Presentation/Physical Exam
Gradual onset of well localized pain
Pain with activity
Pain at rest with advanced cases
Tuning fork test
Any bone can be affected
Bennell KL et al. The Incidence and Distribution of Stress Fractures in Competitive Track and Field Athletes.
Am J Sports Med. 1996:24(2):211-7
Goldberg B. Stress Fractures: a risk of increased training in Freshmen. Phys Sportsmed. 1994:22(3): 68-78.
Milgron C et al. Stress fractures in military recruits. J Bone Joint Surg (Br). 1985:67(5):732-5.
Stress Fractures
Plain x-rays
Bone Scan/MRI
REST for 6-12 weeks (depends on location and severity)
Splinting/crutches if limping or high risk area
Ultrasound stimulation or bone stimulator
Non-weight bearing exercise only (swimming)
Sullivan D et al. Stress fractures in 51 runners. Clin Orthop. 1984:187(Jul-Aug)188-192
Case: 17 yo F Thigh Pain in a High
School Lacrosse Player
No trauma
?Differential diagnosis
‘thigh contusion’
‘muscle strain’
Periosteal elevation=stress fracture
Initial film
14 y.o. runner with leg pain
Periosteal elevation=stress fracture
Initial films
Followup xray
Case: 18 yo F Anterior Tibial
Pain in a Ballet Dancer
Unable to leap, jump, run
Pain with walking
? ‘shin splints’
Anterior cortex black line
=stress fracture
Confirmed on bone scan
These have a high risk of
Case: 33 yo F Acute Medial Knee Pop
and Pain in Runner
Difficulty walking-limps
Pain medially w/
palpation @ ’pes bursa’
Xrays in the ER ‘negative’
?Differential diagnosis
MCL sprain
Pes anserine bursitis
Sports clinic MRI and followup
xray show the stress fracture
Case: 12 yo F Bilateral wrist pain and swelling
in a gymnast x 1 week
Dx: chronic bilateral distal radial physis stress fracture
with sclerosis and widening
Case: R foot pain at 5th metatarsal in a
Division I College Basketball Player
Stress fracture became completed fracture
Initial radiograph
Bone scan
Followup xray
Case: 13 yo M RH baseball player
w/ R shoulder pain
Stress fracture/ epiphysitis- widening, fragmentation
Proximal physis=80% of humeral growth
*Clinical diagnosis-radiographs can be normal
» ’Little Leaguer’s Shoulder’
Case: 19 yo F L Groin Pain in a
Division I College Basketball Player
PE: groin pain with internal/external rotation
Xray ‘negative’
?Differential diagnosis: ‘hip flexor tendinitis’; ‘groin strain’
Left intertrochanteric stress fracture
Johansson et al. Stress fractures of the femoral
neck in athletes: The consequence of a delay in
diagnosis. Am J Sports Med 1990; 18:524-528
Average diagnostic delay of 14 weeks
Displacement: the main determinant of outcome
60% w/ displaced fx appropriately treated were
unable to return to preinjury activity level
30% incidence of avascular necrosis
*Tension vs Compression Side -> tension side has
higher rate of fracture completion
Suspected stress fracture in this location requires MRI in the E.D.
Take Home Points
All athletes need periods of rest for the body and tissues
to recover
Stress Fractures:
address volume and intensity of training
address biomechanics
adequate caloric intake
Overuse Soft Tissue Injuries:
reduce repetition
correct biomechanics- strength, posture