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Sexually Transmistted
Most Prevalent STD’s in Haiti
 Gonorrhea
 Chlamydia
 Trichomoniasis
 Syphilis
Sexual History Statistics for
 Caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 Can be spread from contact with the mouth,
vagina, penis, or anus.
Symptoms in men include:
Burning and pain while urinating
Increased urinary frequency or
Discharge from the penis (white,
yellow, or green in color)
Red or swollen opening of penis
Tender or swollen testicles
Sore throat (gonococcal
Symptoms in women:
Vaginal discharge
Burning and pain while urinating
Increased urination
Sore throat
Painful sexual intercourse
Severe pain in lower abdomen (if
the infection spreads to the
fallopian tubes and stomach area
Fever (if the infection spreads to
the fallopian tubes and stomach
If the infection spreads to the
bloodstream, fever, rash, and
arthritis-like symptoms may occur.
Gonorrhea Treatments:
 A gonorrhea infection that has not spread to the
bloodstream or other areas almost always can
be cured with antibiotics.
 Gonorrhea that has spread is a more serious
infection but almost always gets better with
 Almost half the women with Gonorrhea also
have Chlamydia.
 Chlamydia is a disease caused by the bacteria
Chlamydia trachomatis
 It is the most common STD in the United States
Symptoms in Men:
Symptoms in Women:
Burning sensation during
Discharge from the penis or
Testicular tenderness or pain
Rectal discharge or pain
Burning sensation during urination
Painful sexual intercourse
Rectal pain or discharge
Vaginal discharge
 Can be spread by:
 Sexual contact -- including oral, vaginal, and
anal sex
 Through blood -- through blood transfusions,
accidental needlesticks, or needle sharing
 From mother to child -- a pregnant woman can
transmit the virus to her fetus through their shared
blood circulation, or a nursing mother can pass it
to her baby in her breast milk
Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
 Diarrhea
 Fatigue
 Fever
 Frequent vaginal yeast infections
 Headache
 Mouth sores, including yeast infection (thrush)
 Muscle stiffness or aching
 Rashes of different types, including seborrheic
dermatitis and psoriasis
 Sore throat
 Swollen lymph glands
 Caused by a parasite entering the body through
sexual contact.
 Symptoms in women include a green or yellow
discharge from the vagina, itching in or near the
vagina and discomfort with urination.
 Most men don't have any symptoms, but it can cause
irritation inside the penis.
 You can cure trichomoniasis with antibiotics. In men,
the infection usually goes away on its own without
causing symptoms. But an infected man can continue
to infect or reinfect a woman until he gets treated. So
it's important that both partners get treated at the
same time.
 Caused by bacteria
 Infects the genital area, lips, mouth, or anus of both
men and women.
 You can get syphilis from sexual contact with
someone who has it. It can also pass from mother to
baby during pregnancy.
 The early stage of syphilis usually causes a single,
small, painless sore.
 Sometimes it causes swelling in nearby lymph
 If you do not treat it, syphilis usually causes a nonitchy skin rash, often on your hands and feet.
 Many people do not notice symptoms for years.
 Symptoms can go away and come back.
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