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Absolute numbers
Bilateral aid
Birth control
Caste system
Coastal plain
Coriolis effect
Cultural region
Demographic transition model
Deterioration of the terms of trade
Developed country
Developing country
Development cooperation
Drainage basin
Dual economy
Economic power bloc
Emergency aid
Emerging country
European Union (EU)
Exchange rate
Exploitation colony
Free market economy
Actual quantities or amounts
Development aid given by one country (donor)
to another
Planning the number of children in a family
(family planning)
Division of Indian society into different social
groups (castes). There is a lot of inequality
between the groups.
A flat area with an altitude below 500 m
A county overseas that belongs to another
Because the Earth rotates, the wind turns to the
right in the northern hemisphere, and the left in
the southern hemisphere
Large regions with similar cultural
Model that shows four periods in the long-term
natural increase in population in a country
When the relationships between the price level
of import products and the price level of export
products (=terms of trade) becomes less
favourable for a country
Rich country with a high level of development
Poor country with a low level of development
Help given by rich countries to developing
Happens when an economy starts selling
different products instead of only one
An area of land where the water drains
downhill into a river and its tributaries
Economy with a modern, developed part and a
traditional, less developed part
Country or cooperating countries producing a
lot of goods and with a large market with a high
level of purchasing power
A small group of people in a society who have a
lot of economic and political power
Help given so that people can survive when
there is a family or other type of disaster
Country with and economy that is growing fast
but has a low GDP per inhabitant
A group of twenty-seven European countries
that want safety, democracy and freedom for
all Europeans
How much a country’s currency is worth in
terms of another country’s currency
Colony that was used to provide raw materials
for developing industry in Europe
Political system with a united group of states
Companies decide for themselves which
products to make (capitalist system of
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Gross National Product (DNP)
High mountain range
Informal sector
Joint venture
Low-wage economy
Multilateral aid
Natural border
Offshore wind
One-child policy
Onshore wind
Polar maximum
Political system
Population chart (or pyramid)
Population explosion
Growing international exchange of people,
money, goods and ideas
Total production in a country expressed in
The amount of money (billions of euros) that all
the people who live in a country earn together
Range of mountains with peaks higher than
1500 m
Unskilled, temporary, low-paid work in the
service sector
When a company involved in a foreign
investment works with a company or the
government of the country concerned
Country where the workers are paid low wages
The number of customers who want to buy
The vast majority of the population
Area where there is too much air flow: highpressure area
Enormous agglomeration
Small loans to people in developing countries
who want to start their own small businesses
but cannot borrow money from an ‘ordinary’
Area where there is not enough air flow: lowpressure area
A wind that reverses its direction every six
Development aid given by a group of countries
A company that does business all over the
A border along a natural obstacle such as a river
or a mountain range
Wind that blows from the land towards the sea
Couples are not allowed to have more than one
child (China)
Wind that blows from sea toward land
Sending work to companies in another country
Easterly wind that blows towards the tropical
minimum on the equator (from the subtropical
Area surrounded by water on three sides
A flat area with an altitude higher than 500 m
High-pressure area at the Poles: cold
temperatures cause the air to cool and sink
The way in which a state is governed
Chart / pyramid showing the age distribution of
the population
Fast population growth due to a falling death
Rain shadow
Raw materials
Relative numbers
Savannah climate
Social structure
South-west monsoon
Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Subpolar minimum
Subtropical maximum
Sustainable development aid
Tropical minimum
rate and high birth rate
Are where very little rain falls, situated behind a
Materials that a factory uses to produce goods
Date expressed as percentages or permillages
Differences in altitude in a landscape
Tropical climate (warm and moist) with a dry
When people produce something for their own
use (i.e. not to sell)
A neighbourhood that people build themselves,
where housing is poor, amenities are scarce and
the inhabitants have an uncertain future
the groups that make up a society and the way
in which they interact
Moist tropical sea wind from the Indian Ocean
‘open’ areas where foreign companies can
establish themselves and pay a low rate of tax
Low-pressure area at 60° latitude
High-pressure area at 30° latitude
Aid that helps people in the long term
Low-pressure area on the equator: heat causes
the air to rise and flow away
Temperature zone on Earth between 23½° NL
and 23½° SL