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Nervous System
What is the nervous system?
 Your
nervous system receives information
about what is going on inside and outside
of your body.
 It
processes the information and forms a
response to it.
 It
is able to accomplish these functions
with the help of a cell called a neuron.
Neurons carry messages, or impulses, from one part of your body to
There are 3 types of neurons:
Sensory neurons – information is gathered by sensory neurons
through your sense organs or other parts of your body.
Interneurons – only located in your brain and spinal cord. They pass
impulses from one neuron to another.
Motor neurons – send nerve impulses to muscles and glands.
Example: A bell rings – sensory neurons carry information about the
sound, interneurons interpret the sound and produce instructions on
what to do about it, motor neurons carry signals to the body to
Central Nervous System
The central nervous system is the control center of the body.
It includes the brain and spinal cord
The Brain – The three major regions of the brain: the cerebrum, the
cerebellum, and the brain stem.
Cerebrum – receive messages from sense organs, control
movement, memory, communication and reasoning.
Cerebellum – coordinates your body’s movements and helps you
keep your balance.
Brain Stem – Controls many of your body’s involuntary actions
(breathing, sneezing, etc…)
The spinal cord – column of nerve tissue that extends from the brain
down the back and links the brain to the other parts of your body.
Peripheral Nervous System
The peripheral nervous system includes the network of nerves that
links the rest of your body to your brain and spinal cord.
Sensory Division – Carry information about your environment and
body conditions and delivers the information to the central nervous
Motor Division – Carries the responses back to your muscles and
glands. The nerves of the motor division are divided into two groups
based on the functions they control.
Somatic Nervous System: Carry signals that control voluntary
Autonomic Nervous System: Regulate actions that happen
Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy
The most important thing you can do to care for your nervous system is
to protect it from injury!
Avoid head injuries – trauma, disease, drugs – wear helmets when
necessary, avoid drugs and alcohol, wear seatbelts, etc…
Avoid Spinal cord injuries – can result in paralysis – use safety equipment
when necessary, avoid drugs and alcohol.
Avoid Nerve injuries – obesity, diabetes, repeated use – take breaks
from repetitive motions and maintain good posture.
Prevent infections – meningitis, rabies – get vaccinated, avoid contact
with animals that act sick or behave strangely.
Prevent headaches – Avoid stress, maintain a proper diet, exercise and
adequate sleep. Identify possible triggers and try to avoid them.