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-- an update -Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) is characterized by a loss of normal plumage followed
by abnormal feather growth during a molt. The abnormal feathers may be curled, have constrictive
bands, hemorrhage within the feather shaft, retain the feather covering or have multiple stress lines.
Deformities of the beak occur in some cases. PBFD has been diagnosed in 40 species of
PSITTACINE birds, but is most commonly recognized in cockatoos, Lovebirds and African Greys.
PBFD is caused by a single stranded DNA virus. Unfortunately, a vaccine is not yet available to
prevent this disease. However, new technology using DNA probes to detect the virus is now
commercially available. The test can be performed on a relatively small blood sample, allowing
early recognition of birds latently infected (not showing any clinical signs). Birds already having
feather abnormalities can have the abnormal feathers checked for characteristic microscopic
changes and presence of the DNA virus.
A positive blood test in a bird that does not have feather abnormalities means that the bird has the
virus in a latent form (a carrier bird) or that the bird has been recently exposed to PBFD and the
virus is circulating in the blood stream. These birds are potentially infectious and may break with
clinical disease if stressed.
A positive test in a bird that has feather abnormalities confirms that the bird has an active PBFD
viral infection.
A pet bird that is diagnosed with PBFD or is a PBFD virus carrier can live a long life provided a
stress-free environment and supportive medical care based on regular blood tests and cultures.
These birds should be restricted from contact with other susceptible birds, particularly neonates
(baby birds).
The DNA probe for PBFD virus provides the best technique currently available for controlling
infections until a vaccine is developed. It is our belief that all birds of susceptible species should be
tested to help control spread of this disease.
Please contact our office for an appointment for this testing. Our doctors will also discuss the
importance of proper nutrition and medical monitoring to assure the highest quality of life for your
pet birds.