Download Heinz Body Preparation - Red Blood Cell Laboratory

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Heinz Body Preparation
The Heinz body preparation is performed in the work up for unstable
hemoglobins. Heinz bodies (also referred to as Heinz-Erlich bodies) are
inclusions within red blood cells composed of denatured hemoglobin. Heinz
bodies are formed by damage to hemoglobin molecules as a result of oxidative
stress or an inherited mutation that leads to a change in an internal amino acid
residue. The denaturing process is irreversible and continued elimination of
damaged cells leads to a hemolytic anemia, or Heinz body anemia. Certain
medications, pickled foods that are high in nitrates, and mothballs can cause the
formation of Heinz bodies. Inherited genetic mutations such as G6PD, and
thalassemia also cause the formation of Heinz bodies and hemolytic anemia.
Damaged red cells are cleared by macrophages in the spleen, where the
precipitated hemoglobin and damaged membrane are removed, leading to
characteristic “bite cells” on the peripheral smear. Heinz bodies appear as small
round inclusions within the red cell when supravitally stained with new methylene
blue or bromocresyl green. They are more likely to be present after splenectomy.