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Darwinian Evolution Summative Assessment Review
1. Define spontaneous generation
2. ___________________ was the scientist that finally settled the argument over spontaneous
3. What flaw did supporters of spontaneous generation find with Spallanzani’s experimentation and
resulting conclusion that nonliving gravy did not produce living things?
4. Pasteur’s flask was designed so that air was allowed to flow into the jar of broth, but it protected
the broth from _______________________________.
5. How did Redi test the hypothesis of spontaneous generation?
6. What did Pasteur do in his experiments on spontaneous generation that other scientists before him
had not done?
7. What was the fatal flaw in Needham’s experimental design?
8. Why was Hutton’s and Lyell’s work important to Darwin?
9. What did Darwin realize about Malthus’s theory of population control?
10. Darwin was prompted to publish his theory of evolution by_____________________________
11. The species of finches that Darwin observed differed in the shape of their beaks. According to
Darwin, all of these species probably had ___________________________________.
12. The species of finches that Darwin found on the Galápagos Islands displayed different structural
adaptations. One of the adaptations that Darwin noted was the __________________________
13. What was Lyell’s theory (be specific).
14. The idea that only famine, disease, and war could prevent the endless growth of the human
population was presented by _______________________.
15. Darwin drew ideas for his theory from observations of organisms on the __________________
16. Darwin thought that the animals of the Galápagos Islands were similar to those of the nearby
coast of South America because __________________________________________________
17. What is the idea developed by Lyell which states that the geologic processes that shaped Earth in
the past continue to operate in the same way today?
18. What do farmers look for when they select plants or animals to use for breeding?
19. Define natural selection.
20. Natural selection could not occur without __________________________________in species.
21. True or false. The following are consistent with the theory of natural selection:
a. They transmit characteristics acquires by use and disuse to their offspring.
b. They tend to produce fewer offspring than others in the population.
c. They are the ones best adapted to survive in their environment.
d. They will perpetuate unfavorable changes in the species.
22. What was the most likely effect of the Industrial Revolution on peppered moths in cities?
23. In 1943, drug companies began mass-producing penicillin. At that time, it was a medical miracle
and was used as a remedy for infected wounds, pneumonia, and other bacterial diseases. Just four
years later, however, it was no longer effective on the same diseases that it had previously been
able to cure. What happened?
24. Circle the correct answer. Which of the following is true about natural selection?
a. The desire and the advantage of a population to remain constant allows it to occur.
b. The old age of the individuals which causes them to die allows it to occur.
c. The unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce allows it to occur.
d. The ability for populations to change quickly from one trait to the next allows it to
25. What were Lamarck’s ideas regarding evolution?
26. An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that can be _____________ or
27. Lamarck’s theory of evolution includes the concept that new organs in a species appear
as a result of ____________________________________________________________
28. Which of Lamarck’s theories was not included in the modern theory of evolution?
29. Species today look different from their ancestors because natural selection has resulted in
organisms that occupy different niches. This is called _____________________.
30. True or False. According to the theory of evolution, evolution is likely to occur because
a. The potential for a species’ population to increase.
b. Genetic differences in offspring.
c. A limited supply of necessary resources.
d. Selection of offspring that are best able to survive