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500 Hour Program
Class Outline Form
Class Title: 56a Autonomic Nervous System 2
Course(s) and Hours:
Class Description
Learning Objectives
Class Outline
Opening meditation/guitar
Review MT: 610632
Pa II: 45-49
Intro to Autonomic Nervous System
Learned reactions –
Activating – relaxing
Learned and innate Spectrum of how we react to inner
and outer world.
How we react.
What is activating? What is relaxing?
We have a sense organ that is designed to sense the
emotions of other animals.
Opening - autonomic n.s./relieving stress - muscles
don’t relax, the nervous system relaxes
motor system coordinating most vital visceral
functions according to organism's sense of relative
emergency or safety of
May 7, 2017
go over chart in their packet / Power point on ANS
How our autonomic system works –
We sense something from within or without. We
remember what it is like or what it is close to
compared to past similar experience. We react on the
basis of what our memory tells us. We rather
automatically have a feeling and an impulse. We can
choose if we become conscious of our feeling and
impulse - how to act.
We as therapists help clients
Let go of the past by giving them a strong experience
of the present.
We overall help them be more relaxed (more
parasympathetic tone).
Give them new autonomic options by helping them let
go of the rush to re-action.
Bring more circulation into viscera, digestion,
assimilation, re-building.
Help take old tensions (autonomic inclinations) out
thus freeing themto relax more or to mobilize more of
self and more quickly.
We give them an experience of being in balance –
neither too parasympathetic or sympathetic – in
body, mind (letting go of compulsive, reactive
thoughts and confusion), emotion (more balanced,
more tolerant of full range of feeling (e.g. feel angry
and relaxed), and spirit (it’s easy to be equals when
you’re not,.e.g. blaming yourself or
else.) also more production of endorphins.
hormones that help you –
“Touch also increases serotonin during massage and
decreases pain levels, improves sleep patterns,
decreases fatigue, anxiety, depression and cortisol
May 7, 2017
levels in fibromyalgia patients, according to the
International Journal of Neurology.”
Neither asleep nor awake.
Help conscious and unconscious have a more active
and productive
explain how we are looking for touch to
1) expand the client’s autonomic range of motion.
So that they can inhabit the whole spectrum
and each place along the spectrum from
deepest sleep to hyper alertness.
2) To facilitate the experience of autonomic
balance (appropriately within a given context)
3) We help them inhabit the fertile mid-ground
between the conscious and unconscious from
which most creativity flows (including the
answers to our more challenging problems).
To, in advanced work, see the specific challenges an
individual may have with their feeling habits, their
habitual patterns of thinking and believing, the way
these are manifest in chronic body tensions,
misalignments, movement imbalances and find ways
to help these things change.
e.g. through massage and in life to facilitate a
coordination of the diencephalon and the cerebrum.
Massage is a communication. What message are you
Reminder re relevance of proprioception:
Role of nervous system in healing
Note how the fulcrum heals by engaging successively
deeper layer of the nervous system – the touch
receptors (Meissner’s corpuscles), pressure-receptors
(Pacinian corpuscles), proprioceptors, limbic system,
cerebellum, cerebrum
light-touch receptors convey only the sensation that
May 7, 2017
an object is in contact with the body, while pressure
receptors convey the force, or degree, of contact.
Proprioception means "sense of self". In the limbs, the
proprioceptors are sensors that provide information
about joint angle, muscle length, and tension, which is
integrated to give information about the position of
the limb in space. The muscle spindle is one type of
proprioceptor that provides information about
changes in muscle length. The Golgi tendon organ is
another type of proprioceptor that provides
information about changes in muscle tension.
for golgi tendon organs –
You might think that muscle stretch would also pull on the
tendons and stimulate the Golgi tendon organ afferent. In
truth, most of the force of a stretch is absorbed by the
muscle itself, so a muscle contraction is a much better
stimulus for the Golgi tendon organ.
* Conscious proprioception is communicated by the
posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway to the
* Unconscious proprioception is communicated
primarily via the dorsal spinocerebellar tract,[7] to the
May 7, 2017
Hands-on communications - exchange chair massage.
Massage' effect on the nervous system
Closing remarks
May 7, 2017