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Comparative Vertebrate Biology Exam #1
Multiple Choice (20 Pts): For this section you must circle the letter that corresponds to all
correct answers. There may be any number of correct answers to each question.
1) The living jawless fish are known as:
a. Osteichthyans
b. Agnatha
c. Pinnipedia
d. Sirenia
2) The phylum chordata has the following characteristic:
a. Notochord
b. Dorsal hollow nerve chord
c. Brain Case
d. Osified bones
e. Jaws
f. Endostyle
g. Rathke’s Pouch
h. Pharyngeal slits
i. Wheel organ
j. Tunic
3) A wave of calcium influx (which depolarizes the membrane of an egg in a fashion
similar to an action potential) is responsible for:
a. Slow block to polyspermy
b. Fast Block to polyspermy
c. The first division of cleavage
d. Nervous sperm
4) _____________________ are mammals;
a. Apoda
b. Anurans
c. Cetacea
d. Rodentia
e. Lagomorphs
Fill in the blanks (12 Pts) . Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes
the sentence.
5) The Carolus Linnaeus originally started the __________________________
6) The cephalochordata or ________________________ are closely related to the to
chordates, but they only have a two chambered brain.
7) An egg that has an even distribution of yolk is known as a(n)
_____________________________________ egg.
8) There are three phyla of deuterostomes; chordata, hemichordata, and
9) Two circuit hearts tend to be found in animals with ________________________
while single circuit hearts tend to be found in animals with
Definitions (30 Pts): Define the following terms with a sentence or two. If a diagram
would help you express your thoughts please feel free to use one.
10) Clade
11) Ovoviviparous
12) Proprioceptors
13) Cortical Granules
14) Monophyletic
15) Synapsid
16) Anadromous
17) Divergence
18) Eutherians
19) Endothermy
Short Answers (20 Pts): Briefly answer the following questions. Diagrams will likely be
20) Protostomes and Deuterostomes have many differences. Name three of the
differences between protostomes and deuterstomes. Be sure to indicate what
group the characteristic belongs to.
21) Define evolutionary radiation and give an example of when it would likely occur.
22) Draw a cladogram with three terminal species (they need not be real species and if
they are real they need not be correctly arranged). Use the cladogram that you
have drawn to demonstrate the following:
a. Hypothetical Ancestor
b. Sister group
c. Paraphyletic group
23) Draw a blastula towards the end of cleavage. Label the:
a. Inner Cell Mass
b. Blastocoel
c. Trophoblast
Essay Question (15 Points): Answer one of the two following questions as thoroughly as
24) Describe the theory of evolution – be sure to include what factors are necessary
for evolution to happen and provide an example of how natural selection works.
There have also been many additions and modifications to the theory of evolution
– briefly describe one of them.
23) Describe the early development of a vertebrate starting with the fertilization of the
egg through cleavage. Be sure to include how the egg prevents polyspermy, where the
embryo will develop and where the extra-embryonic membranes are derived from.