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Did King Phillip Come Over For Grape Soda?
• Archaea is one of the _________ major divisions (domains).
• Once thought to be____________.
• Single-celled organisms
• One of two kinds of _______________which means they do not have a nucleus.
• Most live in ________________environments like the hot springs of Yellowstone
because of their tough outer _________________and protective enzymes.
• Archaea have been around at least _____ billion years and scientists believe they
are very closely related to some of Earth’s earliest life forms.
• Bacteria _____________________(no nucleus).
• Bacteria are _________________-celled.
• Bacteria can be found everywhere…in soil, ________________, and even on and
inside the human body. For example, E coli is present in the human intestines
where it produces vitamin K. Another kind of bacteria converts
_______________into yogurt.
• Some bacteria cause __________________(pneumonia) while others make
chemicals that help fight disease.
The Kingdom Protista
Members of the kingdom ______________commonly called protists, are singlecelled or simple _________________________organisms.
They are eukaryotic (have a____________________).
Protista contains many kinds of organisms, including protozoans,
__________________(plant-like), slime/molds (animal-like), and
The Kingdom Fungi
They are multicellular.
Fungi do not perform ____________________or eat food. Instead, fungi break down
surrounding stuff with _________________juices and absorb the nutrients.
______________and mushrooms are examples of the complex, multicelluar members of
the kingdom Fungi.
The Kingdom Plantae
Consists of __________________multicellular organisms.
They are eukaryotic (have a nucleus).
They have cell________________.
They make food through_________________________.
The Kingdom Animalia
The kingdom Animalia contains complex, _______________organisms that don’t have
cell walls.
Most able to __________ around and have specialized ___________organs. However, an
exception is the sponge, a simple animal that cannot move.
Examples include ants, beetles, lizards, fish, birds, apes, elephants, and more.
Did King Phillip Come Over For Grape Soda?
• Archaea is one of the _________ major divisions (domains).
• Once thought to be____________.
• Single-celled organisms
• One of two kinds of _______________which means they do not have a nucleus.
• Most live in ________________environments like the hot springs of Yellowstone
because of their tough outer _________________and protective enzymes.
• Archaea have been around at least _____ billion years and scientists believe they
are very closely related to some of Earth’s earliest life forms.
• Bacteria _____________________(no nucleus).
• Bacteria are _________________-celled.
• Bacteria can be found everywhere…in soil, ________________, and even on and
inside the human body. For example, E coli is present in the human intestines
where it produces vitamin K. Another kind of bacteria converts
_______________into yogurt.
• Some bacteria cause __________________(pneumonia) while others make
chemicals that help fight disease.
The Kingdom Protista
Members of the kingdom ______________commonly called protists, are singlecelled or simple _________________________organisms.
They are eukaryotic (have a____________________).
Protista contains many kinds of organisms, including protozoans,
__________________(plant-like), slime/molds (animal-like), and
The Kingdom Fungi
They are multicellular.
Fungi do not perform ____________________or eat food. Instead, fungi break down
surrounding stuff with _________________juices and absorb the nutrients.
______________and mushrooms are examples of the complex, multicelluar members of
the kingdom Fungi.
The Kingdom Plantae
Consists of __________________multicellular organisms.
They are eukaryotic (have a nucleus).
They have cell________________.
They make food through_________________________.
The Kingdom Animalia
The kingdom Animalia contains complex, _______________organisms that don’t have
cell walls.
Most able to __________ around and have specialized ___________organs. However, an
exception is the sponge, a simple animal that cannot move.
Examples include ants, beetles, lizards, fish, birds, apes, elephants, and more.