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Exam Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015
1. Many elements of the early government of Japan came from
nearby countries such as Korea and China and were based on the
philosophical teachings of
2. Why did Prince Shotoku originally come to power?
3. Which motto best reflects the ideas that Prince Shotoku felt about
Japan and its future success in Asia?
4. What statement is accurate about the role of women in the lord–
vassal society of Japan?
5. During the era of the lord–vassal society in Japan, which group of
people actually ruled Japan and truly held power?
6. Which person agreed to defend the daimyo in Japan, even if it
required the person to be unable to protect his family members?
7. What was the effect of the lord–vassal system that emerged in
Japan in the 12th century?
8. The following traits represent which Japanese social class?
- followed the bushido code
–followed Zen Buddhism
–made up the largest percent of the warrior class
9. The samurai code was called __________, which means the way
of the warrior.
10. How is the Japanese version of Zen Buddhism different from that
of the Chinese?
11. Which form of poetry thrived in feudal Japan during the tenth
12. Muraski Shikibu's The Tale of Genji is generally considered the
world's first __________.
13. If you were a Samurai, your code of conduct stated what?
14. During the height of feudalism and military society in Japan, it
was common to see fighting between __________ in order to gain
15. Which of the following gave way to the development of a military
government in Japan?
Exam Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015
16. The mountain range that divides the continents of Europe and
Asia are the __________ Mountains.
17. Suppose you were a serf who wanted to get married while living
under a feudal system. What would you need to do to get married
18. If you were a serf living in medieval Europe, you were considered
"bound to the soil." This means
19. Most of a noble's estate on a manor was comprised of
__________ which helped the nobles make money.
20. All of these were true of the relationship between lords and
peasants in the manor system EXCEPT for which of the following?
21. Know the European and Japanese Social Pyramid.
22. During the Middle Ages conflict began between the Papacy and
the monarchs of Europe. Which of the following people was
excommunicated from the Catholic Church and then was later
forgiven after having a conflict with Pope Gregory VII?
23. Which of the following Holy Roman Emperors was
excommunicated two times during his reign?
24. What was Pope Innocent III criticized by his contemporaries for?
25. The power struggle between Pope Gregory and King Henry IV
started because of what?
26. Which document, that gave rise to the modern American
government, was partially inspired by the Magna Carta?
27. What are some of the laws started in the Magna Carta?
28. The Crusades helped expand the culture exchange between
Europe and which other regions?
29. As a result of the Crusades, what happened to the Jewish
population of England at the end of the 13th century?
30. Which of the following explorer's travels were prompted by the
exposure to the foreign goods that occurred during the religious
Exam Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015
31. One of the most important outcomes of the religious Crusades
was what?
32. Once the bubonic plague arrived in Italy, it then spread to
33. According to many historians, what percent of the European
population was lost as a result of the bubonic plague?
34. What factors contributed to the plague, known as the Black
Death, spreading over much of Europe and Asia?
35. During the Middle Ages, cathedral schools were occupied by the
children of European nobles and political figures. These schools
would later develop into what type of school?
36. Who was Thomas Aquinas and what was his philosophy regarding
the conflict between the church and classical thinkers?
37. Who was Petrarch? What is Humanism?
38. In the 13th century, knowledge about compasses, the printing
press, and gunpowder was exchanged between Asian and European
merchants traveling which road to China?
39. Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?
40. What were Leonardo Da Vinci’s most famous works of art?
41. Other than Art, what were other things that Leonardo Da Vinci
was credited for?
42. Who is Galileo and who is Nicolas Copernicus? What did the
church condemn Galileo for?