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Early Middle Ages
Timeline Activity
Pages 242-243
● Choose an event from the time line and
write a paragraph about the role religion
played in that event.
Vocabulary pg. 244-253
Middle Ages (244) A 1000 year period
between AD 500 to
Pyrenees (245) mountain range that
isolates Spain and Portugal
from the rest of Europe
Page 245
Alps -mountain range that
Carpathians -mountain
separates Italy from Central
range that separates the
Ukraine and Russia from SE
Page 246
Anglo-Saxons -Germanic
Franks - strongest
group that pushed the Celts Germanic group, settled in
out of Britain
what is now France and
western Germany
Pages 246 & 247
Battle of Tours -battle
Papal States - large strip
that stopped the advance
of Islam in Western Europe
of Lombard land that Pepin
Martel claimed and gave to
the pope in AD 754
Page 248
Charlemagne - king of
the Franks, “Charles
the Great”
Scandinavia - Norway,
Sweden, and Denmark
Pages 249 & 251
Duke Otto of Saxony -
Pope Gregory VII -fought
elected king of Germany, pope
crowned him emperor of the Romans
in 962 AD, his lands known as Holy
Roman Empire
with Henry IV, claimed only the pope
could appoint high-ranking church
officials, excommunicated Henry IV
Page 251
Henry IV - insisted on naming
Concordat of Worms
his own bishops, excommunicated
by Pope Gregory VII, asked
1122 agreement, the pope could
choose bishops but only the king
could give them government
Page 252
Feudalism -political
order, nobles governed and
protected people in return
for services
Vassal - a low-ranking
noble under the
protection of a feudal
Page 253
Fief - a feudal estate
belonging to a vassal
Knight - a mounted
man-at-arms serving a
Page 253
Serf - a member of the
peasant class tied to the
land and subject to the will
of the landowner
Chivalry - the system,
spirit, or customs of
medieval knighthood