Download Timeline of Roman Legend and History

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Timeline of Roman History and Legend
1194-84 BCE
Trojan War
1184- ~ 1150 BCE
Aeneas and Trojan survivors wander for some years,
finally making their way to Italy
753 BCE
Legendary founding of Rome (Romulus & Remus)
509 BCE
Monarchy ends with expulsion of Tarquinius “Superbus”
Beginning of republic
218 – 201 BCE
Second Carthaginian (Punic) War. Rome becomes
dominant power in Mediterranean after defeating the
brilliant tactician Hannibal
70 – 19 BCE
Virgil’s lifetime; Roman state is racked by civil war
50’s – 44 BCE
Julius Caesar gains great power, too much in the eyes of
some; assassinated by Brutus, Cassius, and other senators
who believed that Caesar was a threat to Rome’s
republican form of government
44 – 23 BCE
Octavian Augustus Caesar (great nephew of Julius
Caesar) rules the state; his forces defeat Antony and
Cleopatra at Actium in 31 BCE, ending the civil wars,
but also issuing in the period that has come to be called
the “empire;” declares himself emperor in 27 BCE; as a
member of the Julian clan, he (like his uncle Julius before
him) claims descent from Aeneas, son of Venus
27 BC - 180 CE
Roman Empire, well ruled, flourishes
180 – 337 CE
Empire weakens under a long series of poor rulers.
Primarily under the direction of Constantine, who
legalizes Christianity, the empire is divided into
eastern and western “halves.”
476 CE
Western Empire falls to Germanic tribes. (Eastern empire
survives for another thousand years).