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By: Yasheka, Bethany, and Delilah
People were divided into different classes
Patricians, Plebeians, and Slaves.
The king was the commander and chief of
Rome in time of war, as well as chief priest
and judge. However, he did not have absolute
power in governing Rome.
Julius caesar decided that Rome needed an
Emperor. Not only did he decide that but he
also named himself Emperor.
Julius Caesar has the power because he is the
Emperor of Rome. The rule of Augustus
(formerly known as Octavian) ended 100
hundred years of civil wars and the rule of
imperators. The leadership of these
imperators led to the control of the Roman
government by emperors. Julius Caesar
joined Gnaeus Pompey and Marcus Licinius
Crassus to form the First Triumvate or a
group of three imperators who gained
enough power to take over Rome
His name translates into English as "Tarquin
the Proud". He was overthrown and driven out
of Rome because of corruption within the