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Learning Guide: Mitosis
Bill Activity #30
To Think About: How does the continuity of life take place? How do cells divide? How is the eukaryotic cell cycle
1st Read About: The Cell Cycle and Mitosis, Pgs. 228-237 Campbell’s Biology 9th edition
 Overview:
o List and explain the three key roles of cell division.
o Describe what is meant by “the cell cycle”
 Most cell division results in genetically identical daughter cells.
o Create a 2-column note structure to list the terms and definitions/information for each one of the terms
listed below.
Genome, chromosomes, chromatin, somatic cells, gametes, sister chromatids, centromere, mitosis,
o Sketch a copied chromosome and label the parts
 The mitotic phase alternates with interphase in the cell cycle
o Sketch or print a picture of the cell cycle and label the phases, describe the what occurs during each
o Read about the mitotic spindle and describe its components. Explain where the components come from.
Read the rest of this section and study figure 12.8, pg. 234
o Explain how cytokinesis differs in plant and animal cells.
o Create a T-chart that outlines the similarities and differences between binary fission and mitosis. Explain
why binary fission cannot be considered mitotic division.
o Describe the evidence that supports the evolution of mitosis
2nd Interact: Take notes Mr. Andersen’s Mitosis video
3rd Read About: Cell Cycle Regulation Pgs. 238-243
 The eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated by a molecular control system
o Describe what controls the cell cycle (study Figure 12.14), the role of checkpoints
o The cell cycle is controlled by a multitude of factors. Explain the role of each of the following in ensuring
that cells divide appropriately.
 G1, G2 and M checkpoints, also explain G0 phase
 Cdk’s and cyclins
 MPF (mitosis-promoting factor)
 p53 gene use this site:
( to find information
on p53)
o Describe what growth factors are and how PDGF stimulates fibroblast division
o Cancer cells exhibit different behaviors than normal cells. Here are two behaviors they no longer show.
Explain each: density-dependent inhibition, anchorage dependence
o Describe the unique quality of HeLa cells. Explain the following in regards to cancer: transformation,
benign tumor, manignant tumor, metastasis
4th Interact: Take notes on Mr. Andersen’s 028 Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis Video
Supplementary Resources: Click the links below for more information to help you learn more about this lesson.
Principles of Life Companion Website: Chapter 7 Resources
Crash Course Biology: Mitosis—Splitting Up is Complicated
Kimball’s Biology Pages: Tumor Suppressor Genes (p53 gene)
Cells Alive: Interactive Animal Cell Mitosis
Harvard: Checkpoints and Cell Cycle Control (Animation)
Scitable: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Scitable: p53—The Most Frequently Altered Gene in Human Cancers
Learn More: For more information about cell division and its regulators look at the links below.
 Control of the Cell Cycle Game
 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine awarded to Leland Hartwell, Tim Hunt and Sir Paul
Nurse “for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle.”
 The Biology Project: Onion Root Tips—Determining Time Spent in Different Phases of the Cell Cycle
 Rebecca Skloot: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (about the woman from whom HeLa cells are derived)