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Study Guide
Chemistry Exam 2016
Chapter 1
1. How are science and technology related?
2. Scientific theory:
3. Scientific model:
4. Scientific law:
5. Science:
6. Circle Graph:
7. Observations:
8. What are the 3 branches of natural science?
9. How is 0.0067 written in scientific notation?
10. Put 3.2 x 10-4 in standard form:
11. How many kelvins are equal to 55oC?
12. Safe laboratory procedures
13. Convert 14oF to oC
14. How many significant figures are in 1,020?
15. Accuracy vs. Precision
Chapter 2
1. Atom:
2. Examples of pure substances:
3. Examples of Heterogeneous mixtures:
4. Examples & Properties of Physical Change:
5. Examples/Indications of Chemical Change:
6. Properties of metals:
7. Viscosity:
8. Element (& examples):
9. Malleability:
10. Compound (& examples):
11. Examples of Colloids:
Chapter 3
1. Plasma:
2. Solid:
3. Liquid:
4. Gas:
5. Pressure:
6. Factors affecting gas pressure:
7. Boyle’s Law:
8. Charles’ Law:
9. During a phase change, what happens to the
10. Vaporization:
11. Sublimation:
12. Deposition:
13. Melting:
14. Freezing:
Chapter 4
Electron Cloud Model:
2. Ground state:
3. Excited state:
4. Be able to determine the mass & number of protons,
neutrons, and electrons for elements (including isotopes)
5. Atomic Number:
6. Protons:
7. Neutrons:
8. Electrons:
9. Nucleus:
10. Isotopes:
11. Rutherford:
12. Democritus:
13. Thomson:
14. Dalton:
15. Aristotle:
16. Chadwick:
17. Bohr’s model focus:
18. What did Rutherford discover about uranium?
Chapter 5
1. Carbon-12 atom:
2. Patterns of the periodic table (ex: groups and periods,
locations of metals/nonmetals/metalloids, locations of
solids/liquids/gases, locations of naturally occurring elements)
3. Periodic table families/groups: alkali metal, alkaline earth
metal, transition metals, boron group, carbon group, nitrogen
group, oxygen group, halogens, noble gases
4. Number of valence electrons for each family/group
5. Which halogen is the most reactive?
6. Where on a periodic table do elements have similar
7. Which element is found in most of the compounds in your
body except for water?
8. What inspired Mendeleev’s approach to the periodic table?
9. What is the most abundant metal in Earth’s crust?
10. What is the modern periodic table arrangement of elements?
Chapter 6
*Use your TEST to help you study!*
Chapter 7 & 8
1. Be able to balance chemical equations
2. Be able to determine types of reactions: synthesis,
decomposition, single replacement, double replacement,
3. Law of Conservation of Mass:
4. Reactants:
5. Products:
6. Properties of acids:
7. Properties of bases:
8. Indicator: